5. Thanks

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Recap: "You should change your Clothes. Don't want you getting sick because that means I have a high chance of getting sick too." Yoongi pushed Jimin towards the box they were staying in.

Jimin glared back at Yoongi before entering their "home." Jimin got dressed in some ripped jeans and another sweatshirt. Jimin's hair was still wet which made his head cold. He tried to dry off his hair as best as he could. His hair was now sticking out all over. It was cute. Jimin poked His head out of the box.

"I'm done Grandpa. Let's eat." Jimin smikred.

Yoongi whipped around. "Grandpa? Who you callin' grandpa?"

Jimin just laughed in response. Jimin looked through the bags filled with food until he found a small box of donuts. He smiled brightly when he saw they were glazed. His favorite. Jimin took the donuts out of the bag and placed them between him and Yoongi.

"I hope you like donuts." Jimin opened the box.

"Who doesn't?" Yoongi took a donut from the box.

"True." Jimin answered with his mouth full of food already.

The two boys made small talk through their breakfast. Jimin finished first being the cute pig he is. Yoongi on the other hand was savoring the taste as much as he could. It's not everyday you get donuts. Jimin looked down as he was fiddling with his thumbs.

"Uhm... Thanks." Jimin squeaked out.

Yoongi stopped chewing and looked at the boy. "For what?"

"For saving me." Jimin's cheeks turned a light pink color.

"It wasn't a big deal. I'd do anything to help an old friend." Yoongi now finished his donut." Not that I had any others than you."

Jimin curiously looked at the older boy. "How did you get here? Well the job of an assassin I mean."

"It's a confusing story. But, Let's just say I owe Seokjin. He helped me in many ways. He's in a tough situation right now so he has to lead this assassination group thing trying to end the other assassins who are killing people for fun. We have a plan but, it might backfire ." Yoongi answered truthfully.

"Oh..." Jimin replied. "Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Yoongi replied.

"Why are you really keeping me around?" Jimin looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Because you're different." Yoongi mocked Jimin from last night.

"You sure like to mock people." Jimin snickered while slightly smiling." From your hyung to me, wow."

Yoongi laughed but cut himself off." Wait, you were awake?"

"Yes." Jimin answered.

"You little eavesdropper." Yoongi glared slightly blushing remembering Taehyung's teasing.

"What!? No I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise. I was about to fall asleep but, then I heard your hyungs voice on the other end." Jimin blurted.

"Calm down, I'm just kidding." Yoongi snickered.

It was silent for awhile until Jimin broke the silence. "You know you were so quiet back then, but you're so different now."

"Heh, yeah well that was back when my parents died so it was kind of hard on me. No one ever tried to talk to me except for you which I didn't realise I was thankful for." Yoongi replied.

"I was desperate in finding a new friend." Jimin nodded remembering the time he first met Yoongi.

"How am I supposed to know what your real name is now." Jimin pouted playfully.

"It's Yoongi trust me, The most swag filled name you will ever hear." Yoongi smirked.

"Of course." Jimin tried not to laugh.

"Hey, don't laugh! It is the best swag filled name in the universe." Yoongi couldn't take himself seriously.

Jimin started to laugh. He smiled so you couldn't see his eyes. Yoongi began to laugh too showing his gummy smile. Jimin liked Yoongi's laugh. It was soothing in some way. Like reassuring 'everything's okay' type laugh. It made Jimin smile even more.

"You really aren't the world's most wanted criminal, are you?"

Yoongi's smile faded." No, but I should be."

"What? Why?" Jimin frowned.

"I've killed people Jimin. It's not like I wanted to, well I was always fine with it after knowing the bad things they've done but, still it doesn't make me any better." Yoongi clenched his teeth." My parents, probably hate me even though their dead."

"No they don't. A parent can never hate their child. They love you, I mean I would anyways." Jimin's eyes widened once he realised what he just said.

"What!?" Yoongi's cheeks tinted a dark shade of pink.

"T-That came out wrong. I didn't m-mean it like that." Jimin's face was pure red making any type of fruit jealous.

Thankfully for both of them Yoongi's earpiece began to ring through the box. Yoongi quickly answered it.

"H-Hello?" He stuttered.

"Yoongi, I was just calling to check in. How's everything going?" Jin's voice covered the awkwardness.

"Everythings fine, how about with you and Taehyung?" Yoongi asked back.

"Pretty good. I got in contact with a friend he's coming around the day you guys arrive, or hopefully arrive." Jin told him.

"It shouldn't be that long before we arrive." Yoongi told the older.

"Good. How's Jimin?"

"Fine, I think. He's kind of sulking in the corner." Yoongi looked at Jimin.

"What did you do, Yoongi?"

"I didn't anything and why do you care?"

"Because I decided Jimin's my new child." Jin replied.

"What!?" Jimin turned around from sulking in the corner.

"Yep, I have this really big feeling you'll be sticking around after all this is over so you're my new child. Even though you don't know me very well." Jin nodded.

Jimin laughed at the older boys silliness. "Whatever makes you happy." Jimin smiled.

"This child listens! Yoongi you need to learn from him." Jin scolded Yoongi.

Yoongi rolled his eyes." Of course I do."

"Oh my god are you talking to Yoongi and his future man?" Taehyung asked Jin.

"Yes matter of fact I am." Jin answered. "But, Shouldn't you be researching, Taehyung?"

Jimin blushed again. "I um... I did." Taehyung seemed hesitant.

"So what did you find?" Jin asked.

"Well I don't know if I should say here..." Taehyung whispered.

"Just say it boy, Yoongi deserves to know just as much as I do." Jin spoke.

"Okay, well one of the other hideouts found out about, Jimin." Taehyung said.

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