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The bright sun beamed through the many windows of the small cafe. Booths being occupied by customers while waitresses took Orders. Nothing but smiles and positivity was spread around.

A very happy Jimin with newly blonde hair sat at one of the stools talking to none other than Jung Hoseok. One of the many new Waitresses who soon was going to get yelled at for slacking off.

“How's the new job treating you?” Jimin asked with a smile.

“Pretty good actually.” Hoseok returned the smile. “I get discounts, but I only get those milkshakes you know what I mean?” This comment made Jimin chuckle.

“Seokjin! I refuse to go out looking like this.” Yoongi’s voice was heard from behind the ‘employees only’ room.

“Yoongi, shut up. Our customers can hear you.” Seokjin snapped back.

This made both Hoseok and Jimin look towards the door that was shut. “You're in for a treat,Jimin.” Namjoon smirked as he walked by with a tray with different kind of drinks placed on it.

Jimin frowned in confusion and looked at Hoseok who just shrugged in reply. The door to the room slightly opened, slowly as if someone was trying to close it. With a little push out came Yoongi in a girly black cafe dress with a cute white headband. His face was expressed with pure anger and embarrassment.

Jimin snickered covering his mouth while Hoseok chuckled loudly earning a few looks from customers. The boy walked over to the very red faced Yoongi. “You better get your boyfriend's order Ms. Min.”

“Hoseok I will slap you.” Yoongi threatened with gritted teeth.

Hoseok continued to laugh walking away entering the room Yoongi had appeared from. “I swear, I’m going to kill him later.”

Yoongi sighed heavily before making eye contact with a smirking Jimin. This didn’t help his embarrassment one bit. The boy walked over to his boyfriend with his head held low.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin smiled while taking the other's hand. “How about a strawberry smoothie, and a kiss?”

“Sorry, but I’m not supposed to show public affection for customers let alone a stranger.” Yoongi said playing with the younger's hair to show him it was the hair he was referring to.

“Well it’s a good thing I’m neither of those things.” Jimin smikred.

“Really? What are you then?” Yoongi asked.

“I’m your boyfriend! Now show me some loving.” Jimin pouted holding his arms out in a way to say ‘hug me.’ Yoongi laughed before giving the younger a hug and a quick peck on the lips.

A sudden gasp came from behind Jimin making both boys look at the two figures behind Jimin. “Y'all still got it.” Taehyung said placing his hand over his heart.

“Yeah well we’re not the only ones.” Yoongi nodded his head towards Jungkook and Taehyung’s intertwined fingers.

“Yeah, sometimes I think we got it more than the two of you.” Taehyung shook his head.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Jimin asked while quirking his eyebrow.

“We’ve actually done it.” Taehyung earned a smack from Jungkook.

“Taehyung!” The young boy hissed.

The made Jimin’s ears and- well his whole body heat up with embarrassment. “Look at you, you look like a tomato.” Taehyung sighed. “Yoongi I thought you would’ve already made a move, or at least discuss the topic.”

“I’m working on it geez, get out of our sex life.” Yoongi rolled his eyes not phased by the younger boys statement.

“Fine, fine.” Taehyung said amused. “We came to visit Seokjin. know where he is?”

“Employees only room, just knock.” Yoongi shrugged.

Jungkook mouthed a sorry to Jimin as he and Taehyung walked over to the door. “You’re working on it eh?” Jimin asked not looking at yoongi.

This made Yoongi snort. “Quit trying to be cool, you can’t even look at me, you tomato.”

“Leave me alone, don’t you have some customers you need to tend to.” Jimin waved the older off who smiled. “Matter of fact I do.”

“One strawberry smoothie coming right up.” Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin’s head before going to make Seokjin make Jimin’s smoothie since Yoongi was only a waitress.

Jimin’s cheeks were still blazed red. He was ‘working on it’? What was that supposed to mean. The boy sighed in frustration but quickly forgot about it once a grumpy looking Hoseok and Namjoon left the door that Yoongi had came out of before wearing a dress. They both were now wearing dresses just like Yoongi’s.

Jimin snickered as he heard Yoongi teasing the other two. The dresses weren’t that bad. They were actually kind of cute. A little logo saying ‘Seokjin’s sweets’ on the front.

Everything was okay. Almost even perfect.


So really i'm 50% proud of this and 50% ashamed of this.

Well I was thinking I might put more than one epilogue. So like epilogue pt. 1, something like that I'm not sure though. Y'all might be mad at me but you have every right to be. T-T

Not to mention 4K OMG, this book does not deserve that love but It's getting it. Thank you all so much!! <3

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