14. Bumpy Road

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Recap: The sweatshirt didn't take away the pain that still rampaged in his chest, but it helped him in someway about as much as it hurt him in another.

"Come on Yoongi, answer your frickin' phone," Hoseok hissed.

Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook were all in the car driving to the hospital to visit Jimin. Namjoon and Taehyung decided to stay back at the office incase Yoongi came back.

"Maybe we should just leave it be for now," Jungkook suggested. "I mean Yoongi does this often. He isolates himself from the world from time to time, well that's what Tae told me anyways."

"This is different," Jin shook his head. "But maybe we should just let it rest for now." Jin fixed his gaze over to Hoseok before parking the car.

"Yeah I guess, but I wanna know what in the actual hell happened!" Hoseok growled. "What did he say to make Jimin cry?"

The three boys walked into the hospital together, talking to the lady at the front desk before walking to Jimin's room. The hospital wasn't nearly as busy as it was last night which is saying something because it wasn't even close to busy the night before.

Once the boys made it to Jimin's room the nurse with brown hair was exiting his room slightly smiling while looking at the ground. Once she noticed the three boys her smile changed into one of reassurance. She opened the door for them to enter the room.

The three boys were welcomed to a sight of Jimin in a black sweatshirt laying on his bed watching, what they all assumed was a chick flick. The boy would mumble a few words about how stupid the characters actions were. He didn't even notice the three boys standing there until the sound of a door shutting filled the room.

He looked over at them. His puffy eyes were visible. It was obvious the boy had been crying. His cheeks were stained a light shade of pink from the tears that had been shed.

"Hey, Jimin." Jin said walking over to the boy with the other two following him.

An empty bag of Jimin's favorite snack was lying on the table  next to Jimin's bed which made Jin smile a bit. "H-Hi."

"How have you been?" Hoseok asked plopping himself on the couch across from Jimin's bed. A long, but quiet sigh escaped Jimin's lips. "I've been better."

Silence took over the four boys. It was awkward in a way, but it wasn't at the same time. Jungkook stood their not entirely sure what to do since he didn't really know Jimin as well as the others seemed to.

"I- uh, I'm supposed to get out of the hospital today," Jimin spoke. "They had me stay over night just to make sure everything was working fine."

"That's great Jimin! Do you know when?" Jin sat on the edge of the bed.

Jimin shook his head. "Not one hundred percent sure, but I would imagine soon."

Jin smiled at the younger male. "What do you say? Once your out of here I'll take you and these two out to eat?"

"That sounds nice." Jimin smiled shortly. "Wheres Namjoon hyung, and Taehyung?"

"There back at the office finishing up some stuff," Jin lied.

Jimin just hummed in reply before bringing his attention back to the movie on the television. "Hey, I'm going to go get some snacks, kookie you wanna come?" Hoseok stood up.

"Sure." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't get too many snacks! I'm taking you out to eat once Jimin's out of here." Jin said.

Hoseok just waved him off as him and Jungkook exited the room. Jin grumbled about how ungrateful Hoseok was. "Hyung?"

"Yes, Jiminie?"

"I-I think I messed up," The younger boy whispered. "Really really bad."

"What do you mean, Jimin?" Jin knew what the boy was talking about, but what happened wasn't his fault one bit.

"He left because of me. H-He wants to forget my existence. He said it was best for both of us to forget, but I can't do it. I just can't. I know I should hate him with all my guts, but my heart won't let me." Jimin exclaimed clenching his hand into fists. "It hurts worse than this."

Jimin pointed to his injury that was covered. Jin's expression softened. "Jimin, I understand it hurts. And when you see Yoongi again you're going to want to hurt him in more than one way even if you think you don't want to now."

"But just remember Yoongi's hurting too. Maybe not as much as you are, but what he did wasn't easy whatsoever. He's probably just really confused right now, making quick decisions. His reason to leave you and to try and forget about you was utterly stupid, but he's Min Yoongi he makes tons of idiotic decisions. It's in his nature."

Jimin slightly laughed making Jin smile a bit. "Once Yoongi wakes up and realizes the mistake he made he'll be back holding sorrow and guilt that you have to brush off of him," Jin said. "The road might be bumpy right now, but the further you go it will smoothen out."

"Wow, since when did you become a quotest?" Jimin giggled.

"Since I've dealt with these situations more than once," Jin sighed. "Well kiddo rest up for now, I'm gonna make sure the idiots didn't buy too many snacks. See you in a bit."

Jimin smiled lightly as he watched Jin exit the room. Once Jimin was alone, again he sighed, and closed his eyes. He felt more tired than he should probably because of all the crying from before. The boy didn't even get a chance to create a thought before he fell asleep. Which was probably a good thing.

Hopefully he wouldn't have another one of those dreams.

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