8. Land

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Recap: Jungkook glared at Hoseok. "Popcorn?" Hoseok slightly smiled holding his popcorn out.

Yoongi slowly woke up for no reason. It was either extremely late at night or extremely early in the morning. Yoongi couldn't quite tell. He didn't care enough to check his watch. He was having a hard time sleeping these past few nights. Trying to sleep in a box was part of the problem but, he was more worried about Jimin than anything else. The other assassins weren't easy going. They would do anything and everything to get what they want. That's why Yoongi was scared they would do something to Jimin. Who was he kidding. Of course they would try something with Jimin. But, if they can do anything and everything doesn't that mean he can too?

Yoongi looked over to see Jimin lying closely to him. Yoongi's arm was wrapped around the younger boy's waist. The older didn't plan on moving his arm though. He didn't mind the position they were in. He watched as Jimin's chest soothingly rose and fell. The blonde pulled the cute looking younger boy closer towards him so he was facing him not wanting to let him go anytime soon.

Yoongi examined the younger's face. The pure thought of something happening to the younger angered Yoongi. He didn't know why he felt the way he did towards the other. But, it was bothersome. He wanted to know what this feeling was. asking Hoseok, or Jin was an option, but, what if it was something he didn't want to know? He decided to push the thought aside.

Without thinking Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin's head lightly. Surprised by his actions Yoongi, closed his eyes hoping sleep would take over him soon so he could fokrget about the embarrassing moment that just occurred.


Jimin's eyes fluttered opened. He squinted his eyes when a bright ray of  light from the sun tried to blind him. Once he positioned himself so he wasn't blinded he noticed the two pairs of arms snuggled around his waist. He didn't feel embarrassed, but rather comfortable. He actually found it cute that the older was snuggling him. Jimin looked up at Yoongi's face taking in all his features. Jimin couldn't help but, Imagine how soft the older boys blonde locks would feel. He found himself smiling at the thought.

Jimin's little day dream was broken when Yoongi opened his eyes lazily, making eye contact with the younger. Jimin gasped surprised at first. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink along with the tips of his ears. Luckily for Jimin he recovered from his state quickly.

"Morning, grandpa." Jimin smirked.

"Again with the Grandpa nickname?" Yoongi groaned rolling over while unwrapping his arms from Jimin's small waist.

"Yep!" Jimin cheered.

Jimin sat up crawling towards one of the bags filled with food. He reached his hand inside pulling out a mini cereal box. Jimin didn't mind cereal without milk which was a good thing since cereal with milk for the time being wasn't an option.

Jimin pulled out another mini box throwing it at Yoongi's back. The older just groaned in reply before slowly sitting up. Jimin slightly laughed at the other boy before beginning to eat his cereal.

After a few minutes of silence Yoongi decided to speak. "I don't understand how people find cruises fun. I'm certainly bored out of my mind."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "This is not a cruise, Yoongi, Nor is it meant to be."

"It's still boring." He complained.

"Fine then. I'll try to entertain you better." Jimin smiled. "Why did they kick cinderella out of basketball?"

"Please don't." Yoongi begged.

"Because she ran after the ball." Jimin pursed his lips hiding his smile.

"Lame." Yoongi grumbled.

"You love it though." Jimin smirked.

"Do I, though?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

"You know you do." Jimin eye smiled.

Yoongi just shook his head smiling. The two boys ate their small breakfast together without talking due to their hunger. Jimin was the first to finish as usual. He was just about to say something until something caught his eye outside. His eyes widened with excitement.

"Yoongi! I see land!" Jimin cheered happily.

Yoongi quickly and abruptly moved towards Jimin who was looking outside. Sure enough, there was land. Yoongi didn't waist anytime and called Seokjin as fast as he could manage. After a few rings he finally answered.


"Seokjin! We'll be in Seoul in no time!" Yoongi smiled happily.

"Are you shitting me?" Seokjin replied with a shock filled tone.

"What-? Ew, no." Yoongi grimaced.

Jimin covered his mouth trying to keep in his laughter. "This is exciting! I get to meet my newest child!" Seokjin shouted.

"Right..." Yoongi said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I'll get one of the Dingdong's to pick you two up but, where exactly are going to be?" Seokjin seemed to be doing something else on the other end of the ear piece.

"From the looks of it, not to far from the hideout." Yoongi squinted trying to get a better view of the land. "We'll be somewhere around the shipping docks closest to you and the others."

"Alright, I'm sending Hoseok's lazy ass to get you two. He's been sleeping on the job." Seokjin tsked.

Yoongi chuckled. "Okay, we'll contact you when were there for sure."

"Sounds good, see you then!" Seokjin hung up.

"Well I guess you get to meet everyone in person today!" Yoongi smiled.

Jimin shared a smile with the older. Without fully thinking about his actions he hugged the older boy. Jimin was extremely happy. He was happier than he has ever been before, and it was all thanks to Yoongi.

"Thanks for keeping me around, Yoongi!" Jimin whispered.

Yoongi smiled at the youngers actions before he hugged him back. If Yoongi didn't hold his grudge about not being able to be with someone because of everything he's done, he might just be able to say he's fallen for the boy in his arms.

"My pleasure." Yoongi whispered back.

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