9. A Reckless Plan

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"My pleasure." Yoongi whispered back.

Getting off the boat was a hassle. Trying to avoid people as well as they could so they don’t get questioning looks from others was not easy. Fortunately they both got off the boat unnoticed.

Jimin was excited. More than excited. Words couldn’t describe how he was feeling. Jimin looked around eyes filled with a long forgotten happiness. It was all so beautiful Jimin didn’t want to do as much as blink thinking it would all disappear right before his eyes. The city still boomed with people just like it used to. A welcoming feeling just like before. It hasn’t changed. And Jimin liked that.

Yoongi watched as Jimin looked around smiling. Yoongi couldn’t help but, smile too. Seeing the younger smile was a good enough excuse for his smile. The boys happiness was enough satisfactory for him.

All the sudden a black car slowed down towards Jimin and Yoongi. It looked oddly familiar to the older. Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s hand pulling him closer to his body. Yoongi was suspicious of the car and who was possibly inside it until the window rolled down.

“Need a lift?” Hoseok smiled brightly.

Yoongi sighed with relief before opening the door for Jimin to get inside. Once Jimin was in the car he shut the door then walked to the other side to get in the car himself.

“Hoseok, you horse. I thought you were some creepy person.” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“Heh sorry.” Hoseok scratched the back of his head. “I’m so glad I could finally meet you, Jimin.”

“I’m glad I could meet you too, Hoseok.” Jimin eye smiled.

“You’re way cuter in person.” Hoseok cooed.

Jimin’s face flushed a deep shade of red. Yoongi just glared at the other male. A small laugh left Hoseok’s mouth.

For the rest of the ride small conversations were made. Thankfully the ride wasn’t that long. Jimin just stared out the window the whole time still happy about the fact that he was in Seoul once again.

“Were here!” Hoseok leaped out of the car excitedly followed by Yoongi and a very nervous Jimin.

“What if they don’t like me?” Jimin whispered.

“They will. I would say Jin’s the most excited to see you.” Hoseok smiled warmly.

“They’ll definitely like you.” Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s hand again intertwining their fingers. “If they don’t then they have some serious issues.”

Jimin giggled at Yoongi’s comment. “You guys are such a tease.” Hoseok complained.

“What?” Yoongi asked.

“Just- it’s not nice teasing people's ships.” Hoseok started walking towards the building.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes walking towards the building as well dragging Jimin behind him still holding his hand. Jimin couldn’t help but, smile at the contact. Yoongi’s hands were bigger than Jimin’s yet their hands fit perfectly together.

Once they reached the building Hoseok pulled out a key. When he unlocked the door he walked inside with Yoongi and Jimin not far behind him. Hoseok didn’t hesitate to express their presence.

“We’re here!” Hoseok shouted entering a bigger room where everyone else was.

Yoongi and Jimin slowly walked in the room. Jimin hid himself slightly behind Yoongi gripping his hand tightly. Yoongi just gave his hand a tight squeeze for reassurance.

Jin quickly stood up clasping his hands together. Jin’s excitement was spread throughout the room. Jin walked up to Yoongi and Jimin smiling widely.

“Jimin, I finally get to meet you!” Jin looks at Jimin happily. “It sure has been a while Yoongi.”

“Yeah it has-”

Yoongi was interrupted when Taehyung came from out of nowhere in a spinny chair sliding  across the room. Once his chair hit the back of the wall he stood up and ran over to the two boys smiling his signature squared smiled.

“My yoonmin senses were tingling.” Taehyung laughed before hugging the two boys.

“No fair! I want in on this too.” Hoseok joined the hug.

Jin and Namjoon decided they would join too, making it a group hug. Jimin was rather startled by this but, soon learned to relax after a while. Unknowingly a smile spread across his face. It’s been awhile since he felt this happy. A really long time. His smile was wider than any of his previous smiles. It felt nice for him to feel this way again.

Jungkook walked in the room drinking a cup of Coffee. He looked up and raised his eyebrows once he saw the group hug. Removing the cup from his mouth he wiped his upper lip that had coffee mark on it.

“Did I miss something?” Jungkook questioned.

Taehyung slithered out from the group hug and with a spring in his step, walked towards Jungkook. His squared smile never leaving his face. Grabbing the younger's hand, Taehyung intertwined their fingers together. Jungkook's face tinted the smallest bit of pink.

“Jimin. Yoongi. This is Jungkook!” Taehyung smiled.

“Hi.” Jimin squeaked out.

“It’s been a while but, hey!” Yoongi smiled. "Uhm…are you two…?" Yoongi trailed off pointing at the two.

Taehyung smiled even wider before nodding his head. Yoongi couldn't help but, smile. Jimin was in awe at how cute the boys were as a couple. He wished he could love someone like that. Have someone love him like that. Who knows, his special someone might just be right under his nose waiting to be found.

“Jungkook’s the one I told you I was going to get help with.” Jin commented.

“Speaking of which you never told us about the meeting yet.” Yoongi spoke.

“Well, we do have a plan. The meetings in three days.” Jin took in a deep breath.

Jimin was rather confused about the whole thing. He didn’t question it though. From the parts he did understand he was extremely nervous for this meeting. Something he didn’t want to deal with after finding out some details about it. The danger in the situation was at an alarming rate. The plan was simple almost reckless. Jimin had doubted that it would be successful. Of course he trusted their statement but, he couldn't help but feel doubt over the words that was sitting in his brain. But, their plan might just work if they play their cards right.

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