2. Seoul

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Recap: “If I’m going to die at least let me choose where I die.” Jimin looked back at the other older male.

“Kid, I just met you and you want me to take care of you and bring you somewhere?” Yoongi raised his eyebrow. “Too much work.”

“I can take care of myself I’m an adult and I mean since you are brutally going to murder me it would at least be fair to let me die somewhere I choose.” Jimin spoke softly.

“I guess you're right in a way. Alright let's see where do you want to go?” Yoongi asked thinking it was somewhere near.

“I want to go to… Seoul, South Korea.” Jimin nodded.

“Look short stuff, there's no way I’m taking you all the way to South Korea.” Yoongi Arched both of his eyebrows.

Jimin glared at the nickname. “Well I think you would at least go to heaven for taking one of your victims to somewhere they want to go before they die.”

Yoongi laughed at his Comment making Jimin flinch.“I have no problem going to South Korea since my assassination squad-job, or whatever, is in South Korea but, how do you plan on getting there?” Yoongi asked.” I can't just walk on a plane or train being the world's most wanted criminal.”

“Obviously. That's why we’d take a boat. Like the shipping kind the one with tons of boxes.” Jimin made a what-else-would-we-do kind of face.

“Do you have any idea how stupid that Sounds?” Yoongi tried not to laugh at the idea.

“Yes, I do. I was born in South Korea. I’d like to see it again. I was planning on running away taking one of the ships that actually leaves to South Korea tonight.” Jimin stated.

“The plan still sounds stupid.” Yoongi shook his head.

“Yeah well I didn’t get to choose where I was born and now I don’t get to choose how I die so I’d like to choose where it happens.” Jimin crossed his arms.

Yoongi laughed. “Can’t believe I’m saying this but sure, get packed.” Yoongi waved at Jimin.

Jimin didn't thank Yoongi thinking he wouldn’t have to thank someone who was going to murder him once he got to his destination. Jimin quickly packed things in a bag bringing extra like he always does. Once he was done he raced back downstairs into the hallway welcomed to a clean and fresh Kitchen. No blood, no dead bodies, and a clean Yoongi.

“You cleaned all of this up while I was packing?” Jimin asked shocked.

“Yeah. A great criminal never leaves a mess.” Yoongi gave a cheeky smile.

“Right.” Jimin nodded slowly.

Jimin walked into the pantry grabbing different types of food without looking. He shoved them all in his extra bag. Yoongi was already in the fridge packing food and tons of water. Jimin closed the pantry door with his foot while both of his arms were full of food. Jimin placed all the food on the counter before opening a new bag and shoving it all in.

“What do you think short stuff?  Have everything we need?” Yoongi placed the bags he was carrying on the counter.

Jimin rolled his eyes.” Yes, but what about you and your clothes?”

“I have a few shirts and pants. If they don’t work out I’ll just borrow something you have.” Yoongi placed the bags back over his shoulders.

Jimin raised and eyebrow in disbelief. He was going to use my clothes if he didn’t have enough? Who does the guy think he is? Jimin glared at him trying to look intimidating. Yoongi pursed his lips trying not to laugh at the younger boy.

“Hey, I’m taking you all the way to South Korea. It’s just some clothes.” Yoongi just made Jimin glare even more if possible.” If it makes you feel any better I’ll let you ask me any question.” Yoongi slightly smiled.

“Any question?” Jimin clarified.

“Yes,  but can we get this show on the road? I’ll be in big trouble if my boss finds out I let some kid make me take him to where he wants to die.” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jimin just nodded. They started to walk to a small part In New York City where boats were loading to be shipped and sent off. It was late at night while they were walking. They were now sneaking by the docks hearing only two voices.

“Which one is it?” Yoongi whispered.

Jimin scanned the boats until his eyes landed on one in particular.” That one over there.”

Yoongi and Jimin looked at a bigger sized boat with tons of boxes all shapes and sizes. Yoongi walked forward slowly trying not to make noises. Jimin quietly followed until they reached the boat. Yoongi got on first helping Jimin second. Once they were on the boat they just looked at all the boxes.

“Now what?” Yoongi looked at jimin.

“We look for a box that can fit both of us in it with hopefully a little extra room.” Jimin scanned the boxes. “I mean unless we find separate boxes so we can be neighbors.”

“Noway who knows if you’ll run away or not?What about that one?” Yoongi pointed towards a bigger box that was hiding behind smaller ones.

“Perfect!” Jimin chimed. “But, where would I even run though?”

Yoongi just shrugged. They both entered the box quickly and shut the lid. They sat down in silence until a ring filled the room. Jimin was confused until he saw Yoongi lift up his hand and do something to his ear.

“Did you finish the job?” Hoseok asked.

Jimin could hear the conversation. “Um two thirds of the way.” Yoongi answered.

“What do you mean?”

“I haven't killed Jimin yet.” Yoongi was waiting for lecture from the younger but, it was never received.

“What? Why?” Hoseok asked.

“He asked for me to take him to the place he wants to die at.” Yoongi answered looking down at Jimin.

“Where exactly is this place?” Hoseok questioned.

“Seoul. He used to live there.” Yoongi answered

“Seoul as in South Korea, Seoul?” Hoseok asked excitedly.

“Hoseok quit making this a game of twenty questions. And really? How many Seouls do you know?” Yoongi looked through one of the peep holes in the box.

“Well my soul, your -” Hoseok started.

Jimin giggled at their bickering. “No dimwit! Check the spelling!” Yoongi cut Hoseok off.

“But, hear the pronunciation.” Hoseok replied back.

“Oh my- whatever! Why are you so excited anyways?” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“Because I want to meet him. He looks so cute.” Jimin’s cheeks tinted a pink color when he heard that.

“I’m not cute.” Jimin sternly stated.

“Oh is that him!?” Hoseok asked happily.” You are cute Jimin! I have a picture of you right now.”

“No need to sound stalkerish, Hoseok.” Yoongi scolded.

“Aish, I’m sorry. It's the organization thing we have pictures of all the people that need to be assassinated. Anyways don't you think he's cute, Yoongi?

“Yeah, he's pretty cute.” Yoongi looked at Jimin who just glared at him.

“Hah! Told you Jimin! Anyways where are my manners? I’m Hoseok only a year older than you Like Yoongi Hyung.” Hoseok told Jimin.

“Hoseok! We have to go!” A voice came from the other end of the ear piece.

“Right. See you later!” hoseok hung up.

“I’m still not cute.” Jimin crossed his arms mumbling.

“You kind of are.” Yoongi chuckled.

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