18. We need to talk

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Recap: “Soon.” Jimin looked up to see an all too familiar face. “I promise."

Hyung? What are you doing here?” Jimin followed the other's movements as he sat down next to Jimin.

“I heard what happened, so I went looking for you.” Seokjin answered truthfully.

“Oh,” Jimin said quietly looking at the tore up concrete in from of him.

“Jimin, I meant what I said. Things will go back to normal, and I promise.”

“They never will, you’re still assassins and Yoongi still hates me.” Jimin whispered.

“No, Jimin. Look at me. That night Yoongi took you to the hospital something that I thought could never happened did. There was an old rumor that if another assassination group hurt one of your members you got any wish you wanted no matter how cruel.” Jin explained.

“What did you wish for?” Jimin asked curious.

“Peace. So we no longer have to be part of this. You know, I owe the boys so much. I asked them to be part of this with me because I needed their help and they gave it to me. Now they have to live there life knowing they’ve killed someone before all because I asked for their help.”

“Hyung, it’s not your fault-”

“But it is Jimin, I wish they could have a normal life forget about everything that happened, maybe even me.”

“Don’t say that! Last time someone said that I was left alone in a room that I didn’t want to be in. I won’t dare let it happen again.” Jimin snapped. “Hyung, you needed help so you asked. Knowing you I know you wouldn’t force them to do it. A simple answer is fine by you and you’d understand. They had the choice to say yes or no and they chose, yes. So it’s not your fault.”

This made Jin grow quiet. “Jimin, you had a choice to leave or stay. Why did you stay?”

“Well at first I didn’t have a choice,” Jimin stated.

“No, but after that.”

“I- I don’t know.” Jimin frowned looking back at the ground.

“Could it be because of Yoongi?” Seokjin looked at the younger’s face.

“I- I think so. . .”

“Let’s go back, Jimin.” Jin stood up. “I don’t care what you or Yoongi say, you’re both going to talk to one another if you like it or not.”

Jimin stood up brushing himself off before looking up at Seokjin with a sigh. “Okay.”

And with that they both began to walk back to the office. The night seemed to become more cold. There was a light breeze making leaves of the trees sway side to side. It was calming in a way.

“What if he doesn’t want to talk to me?” Jimin mumbled.

“Well too bad for him,” Jin said.

Jimin looked up at the older male who was looking ahead. “Hyung?”

“Yes, Jimin.”

“What do you plan on doing now? I mean you're no longer an assassin along with the others, so what are you going to do?” Jimin questioned.

“I’m not sure, I guess I never really thought about It.” Jin scratched the back of his neck. “I guess I have a few ideas, but they’re kind of silly.”

“I highly doubt it, share them with me.” Jimin watched his feet walk one in front of the other as if they were in a race to see who could beat who.

“Well, I always wanted to bake so I guess I wanted to open a bakery, but like I said it’s a silly thought.”

“No, I think that would suit you well. Seokjin the baker. It has a nice ring to it. I would visit your bakery all the time. I would hope I’d get free cupcakes.” Jimin looked at the older expectantly.

“Yes, but you’ll be paying every now and then.” Jin pointed a finger at Jimin who just laughed in return.

“Of course hyung, we wouldn’t want you to be poor now would we?” Jimin smiled.

Jin chuckled before letting out a sigh. “No we wouldn’t.”

The rest of the walk was filled with small chatter. The stars were shining bright in a way they always did. The crescent moon glowed over the dead city night. Both boys didn’t realize how fast it seemed to be that they of back to the office already.


“You’ll be fine, Jimin.” Seokjin opened the door and entered the room followed by Jimin.

“You’re back! Thank god.” Hoseok ran up to Jimin and hugged him along with Taehyung.

Jimin lightly smiled, but it quickly faltered when he saw Yoongi looking at the floor. Once the two boys were done hugging Jimin they stepped to the side knowing what the youngers motives are.

Jimin walked over to where Yoongi stood. Silence was met with them as everyone watched. “We uh. . . we need to talk.” Yoongi spoke quietly.

Jimin looked up slowly to meet Yoongi’s gaze and nodded in reply. “Like now.” Yoongi whispered the last part.

Jimin turned his head to look at the others who got the memo to leave. Once they were all gone Jimin looked back at Yoongi. “Where should we start?”


Sorry for the long wait I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for this chapter at first.

And my goodness this story has 2k read, thank you all soooo much it means a lot!

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