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Rose POV
"Rose! Any day now!" BANG! BANG! BANG! I roll my eyes then glance to the bathroom countertop that decides my fate. Finally the wait is over as my phone starts to vibrating, alerting me that the set time of three minutes has passed. I remind my self deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Still leaning on the wall i look to the mirror and see my green eyes staring back. With bags under my eyes and unruly red hair that flows past my shoulders I have to remind my self of why I'm going through this. My best friend needs this. Interrupting my thoughts my best friend knocks softly "Rose, come on. Why do I have to wait out here. Please let me in! This is killing me."

I take a step forward and I pick of the test and I see it. I see that it's positive. I'm pregnant. I take a deep breath, once again and unlock the door. Luckily I take a step back because it swings open after only seconds pass and Nellie, my best friend, bolts in and rips the test out of my hand. Screaming fills the silence. I look to the doorway as it's filled by Eric, Nellie's husband. He walks to her and hugs her from behind, "Nellie I'm sorry babe. We can try again if she is willing or go back to considering adoption." He says trying soothing her as tears are rolling down her cheeks.

Kellie whips around to face Eric, "shut up idiot!" She runs her hand over her cheeks removing the tears after handing the test to him. Eric is standing silent holding the pregnancy test in his hands and I see tears in his eyes. "We are gonna have a baby Eric" Nellie says with a huge smile on her face.

To let them have their special moment I walk out of the bathroom and enter the living room. 'Oh how did I think this was a good idea's I thought to myself. 'You did this for her. You did this to help your best friend' I remind my self. Oh how did I get myself in this...

6 months ago...
"Finally" I whisper under my breath as I exit the front doors of Benny's dinner. I've been working here for the past two years as a waitress in hopes to eventually save enough for my dream. A cafe with walls covered with bookshelves of books. I can't wait because until then I'm stuck doing this ridiculous degrading job. Our uniform. Form fitting black blouse with their logo on the right side of the chest and black shorts that are shorter then they should be. Owner says they bring in more customers but just think he is a dirty bastard. I keep this job because I get great tips that I can't complain about. The customers range from classy rich folk to blue collard workers.

I've only made it half a block before I turn around at the sound of my name being called. "Rose!" I glace around some groups off loitering people and spot Nellie. My best friend. I watch her as she finally makes it to me. I notice she has been crying due to her eyes red, puffy and tear strained cheeks.

"What's going on Nel? Why have you been crying?" I ask. "Can we go to your apartment then talk" she requests as tears begin to make their appearance. I nod and put my arm around her shoulder as we begin the walk.

After about fifteen minutes we make it to the apartment. I made coffee then we sit on the couch and I waited for her to explain. "I can't have children." I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. Nellie and Eric have been trying to get pregnant since the wedding eight months ago. She continues, "I'm infertile. No eggs. Can't do insemination due to have some stupid condition with my uterus, making me unable to carry a child." I pull her into a hug, "I'm so sorry Nellie! Will you guys consider adoption then? Is there anything you guys need, I'm here for you" I try my best to comfort her. It's shocking still. All she had talked about for months is about having a baby and being a stay at home mom while Eric continues to work at his uncles. company.

My thoughts are interrupted and I turn to Nellie. "Actually there is something but it's a big thing to ask of you" she says softly. "Go on" I encourage her to continue as I put my hand on hers. "Will you be our surrogate?" She whispers. Are you kidding me! I remove my hand and stand up. Glancing at Nellie on the couch I begin pacing. This is unbelievable. Breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Nellie stands but doesn't interfere with me pacing back and forth in the living room.

"It would be your eggs and a family members of Eric's sperm. It's up to you whether or not you would want to meet the man if you do agree to do this. And I already know it's no to Eric's sperm because I know how awkward you would feel" she says lightly smiling. She walks over to me and grabs my hand. I stop and look at her, "why me?" Her smile grows, "Rose you've been my been my best friend since 3rd grade when you walked in with your red hair and your shy but fiery personality. I love you like a sister! I know it's a big deal because she would be your DNA but I can imagine having a daughter like you." I watch her closely as she explains. I feel so bad for her to be in this situation but me being pregnant for nine months. Giving up my baby. No the baby would be Nellie's and Eric's. Omg I don't know what to do. Minutes are passing as I'm standing here trying to organize my thoughts.

"You will be the godmother. I would want you to help me with everything. After all you are my best friend Rose. Please think about it. I love you no matter you decision" she says then starts heading to the door. Could I do this? Will this affect my plan? "Okay. I'll do it." I say right as her hand meets the door handle. Nellie whips around, "really?!?" She is smiling from ear to ear. NO! "Yes Nellie. This is your dream and I will help you like you and Eric promised to help me with mine." I'm instantly engulfed in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you Rose!"
And so it begins...

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