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We arrive at baby's r us and im immediately excited and overwhelmed all at once. There is so many different things. William and Willow both grab carts and i raise my eyebrow at them in question. "You dont have anything yet and now is the time to get what ever you can. Plus i want to help" Willow chuckles. "Why dont we go get the bigger stuff and then the smaller stuff" William adds. I nod, "lets go look at cribs first." "Rose, did you have a theme in mind" Willow asks. "Im in between two different ones but im sure as soon as i see the items, i will make up my mind" I tell them.

Once we make it over to the crib section i look at each one carefully. There are so many different ones. "This one" i tell them as i point to a grey wood crib. William nods and checks the boxes bellow the display making sure it matches to the one i picked then places it in a cart. "Lets do bedding and blankets now" i say as im walking farther down the aisle where they are. Instantly i see the pattern i have seen online. Its a grey, white, and yellow zig zag pattern crib sheet, blanket, and bumper set. Once thats in the cart i look to them, "What do you think next?" I ask. "Are you breastfeeding?" Willow asks. I nod, "Well im going to try. I read about it and its says its best for the baby, so hopefully i can but ive heard it can be overwhelming and lots of women only make it to 3 months of breast feeding." "Well lets get you the stuff for that" she responds. We head over to that isle with William trailing behind us.

"Breast pump. Check. Breast pads. Check. Bottles. Check. We need to get burp rags. Also should check for breast feeding bras and tank tops Rose. My friend Lily said they were a life saver especially when your out and about." Willow explains. I nod and continue to look at the selection of items. "Should i get extra nipples for the bottles?" I ask my sister in opinion. "Since it comes with the zero to three month maybe just get a couple of the 3-6 months to start" she answers as she pulls the ones off the shelf to show me. "Yeah, that will work" i smile. I look over to where William was but he is no longer there. "Where did william go" i ask. "Im not sure Rose." "Could you go look at the burp rags and ill meet you over there in a second. Im going to see where William went" I tell Willow as i begin to walk away.

I go over to aisles to find William, he was hard not to miss, looking at baby clothes. I walk up and look at what he is holding in his hands. Its and yellow onesies with grey pants and a grey hat to match. He also had a set of white newborn socks. "What did you find" i ask softly. William looks up to me as he just realized it was me standing next to him. His cheeks turned a light pink in embarrassment. "Uhh" he rubs the back of his neck. "I was just looking. I found this and thought youd like it?" he says gesturing to the clothes in his hands. I smile and reach up to kiss his cheek. "Its adorable. Its perfect for him" I tell William. "Since we are here, want to help me pick out more" i ask him with a smile. I love that he is already helping. Even something so small, is willing to be a part of my sons life.

"Yeah" he says then he places the clothes in the cart with the crib. We spend the next 10 minutes picking out clothes. "Well so much for coming to meet me near the burp rags Rose" i turn around to see Willow with her hands on her hips with her shopping car to the side of her. "Sorry we got distracted" i gestured to our shopping cart that now had lots of baby clothes ranging from onesies, sets, socks, and sleepers. "Cute!" she says as she looks at some of our selections. "I grabbed some blankets as well Rose. Do you like them? Or you want different ones" she asks. I look through what she picked out. She had ended up finding burp blankets, receiving blankets, and blankets. "I love them. Makes me wish to have my baby boy now" i say grinning. "Soon" they both respond at the same time.

After spending two hours in the baby store we load up and get in the truck. "Where to next" Willow asks. "Well Rose wants to paint the room for the baby and there are some other stuff we could get there as well but hardware store" William says as he turns the engine on. "Oh yeah i almost forgot" i say rubbing my hand over my belly. "Though any chance we can go through a drive thru" i asked them. They both laugh and william answers saying yes.

After going through panda express drive thru we headed to the hardware store. "So what color were you thinking" William asks me as we look at the many sample color cards. "I was thinking Yellow for the main wall where the crib will be and then a light grey, similar to the crib for the other walls." I say pulling out a couple yellows and greys. After getting the paint William leads us to the wood section. "Rose, I know you are going to need shelves. Would you like me to make them. I cant paint them or stain them any color that you want" William says. "Really?" I ask stunned. "Yeah i have been doing wood working as a side job and hobby" he answers. "Hell yes!" i say a little loud due to my excitement. They both laugh at me and then William begins loading up wood. We spend another 45 minutes getting miscellaneous items. William ended up paying for everything from the hardwood store while i paid for the baby store items. Willow tried to pay for some stuff but i told her no. They needed all the money they could for bills and for dad.

When we pull up there is cop car infront of the house. We all get out and head over to the cop who was talking with one of the security guards. "Whats going on" William asks before anyone else could. "Is our dad okay" Willow asks concerned. The cop and security guard turn to us. "There was a break in. Your father is fine, he was luckily asleep through it all and wasnt disturbed. There is damage through the house. Lucinda, your house keeper, walked in on Albert damaging things and called us. He has been arrested." The cop explains.

Im shocked. "Arrested? I thought he was arrested already! I have a restraining order! WHy the hell was he in my house" i ask as rub my stomach. Im fighting from letting the tears fall. "He posted bail and was released with a court date. He will not be able to post bail until his court date due to him getting arrested again. Lucinda said he was looking for you so that will be noted and the judge know that he tried to break the no contact and restraining order. We have recorded all the damage he has done. Lucinda said the main thing destroyed was your bedroom miss" the cop tells me. When will the bad news stop.

"Thank you Officer" William says shaking his hand. "We will update you with court information" The cop says and leaves in his patrol car. "Rose, im going to check on dad, okay?" she says placing her hand on my shoulder. I nod and she leaves. "Rose?" William says. Without answering i walk into the house. Lucinda is in the living room cleaning up the over turned furniture and books on the floor. Heading the kitchen to see glass shattered on the floor, i shake my head and head up the stairs to my room. The one that has been said to have the most damage.

Opening the door and seeing the damage i could no longer hold back the tears. Vases are shattered, along with picture frames. The curtains were pulled to the floor. The bed is tossed and blankets shredded. I turn and see that all my clothes are on the floor shredded as well. I look closer to the closet and see he had even tore up my undergarments. "How could he?" I whisper. I feel William place his hands on my shoulders. "Rose. Im sorry. Lets get our out of here. There is glass on the floor. You can take my room while this room is cleaned up." I nod as he leads me out of the room and into the living room where my father, Lucinda, Willow are sitting. We join them and sit on the couch.

Willow and my father both look concerned and worried. "Rose. Are you sure your safe here?" Willow asks. My dad nods in agreement to the question. Without hesitation i answered, "Yes. If i was here. William wouldve been with me and i would have called the cops." My father stands as fast as he could, "He cant babysit you Rose! He has to work also! You arent safe here!" he yells. I stand up, "Im safe! He cant hurt me! He is in jail!" I yell back. Willow stands up, "Calm down please. Rose, he bailed out of jail last time. What if he does again and comes--" I start to walk away, ready to be done with this conversation. "Rose wait" william says grabbing my hand to stop me. "I will talk to my father about uping the security around the house. Also when she is out. I will take her with me when i can. Only time i cant be with her is when i scouting the land, but besides that i will make an effort to be with her majority of the time." I turn and catch Williams eyes. As my father likes his solution he beings to walk away, "im going to go rest. to much in one day." Willow glances as me then follows our father out of the room. "Lucinda take the day off." Lucinda goes to object but william puts his hand up to tell her not to disagree. She leaves the room leaving just me and William.

"Rose, are you tired?" he asks softly as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I nod. He takes my hand and leads my back up stairs to his room. "Stay in here while we fix your room" he tells he as i lay on his bed. "Why did today have to end so bad" i mumble and sigh. William sits next to me and tucks me in. "Im sorry it ended horribly. Im going to fix this. I promise" He kisses my forehead and leaves the room closing the door behind him.


Reminder will edit when I complete the story. Thanks

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