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Rose POV

Today Carter turns one month old and so much has happened since he has arrived. When Carter was a week old we got news that Albert was trying to custody of him, but as soon as the lawyer was showen the document that showed he already signed away his rights the case closed. Evan was witness to it and had other documents that proved helpful. Haven't heard a peep about Albert since that except he is trying to move on with his life. 

A week ago William had his cattle arrive as well as some new horses. He has worked hard to keep up with the ranch and still help me with Carter. Lucinda has been an angel, helping whenever she notices me getting tired. Carter had his fussy moments and nights when sleep is not a option, but i would never ask for anyone else to be my son. Tonight Lucinda is going to watch Carter while William has asked to have a picnic for dinner.

Later that day

Dressed in a navy blue maxi skirt, white tank, and sandals I look into the mirror for a final check on my appearance. Satisfied I head down stairs to the porch where Will told me to meet him. I sit down on the steps and wait for him to arrive. "Well don't you look stunning" I hear from behind me. A smile appears on my face as I looks to Will, who is dressed in dark blue wrangler jean, a white button up shirt, cowboy boots, and to top it off a cowboy hat. My eyes looked over him, taking in every little detail. When my eyes meet he says, "You can take a picture. It will last longer." I roll my eyes, "Could you say anything more cliche?" He laughs at my response. Taking my hand in his he leads me down the porch steps and we start heading to the horse pasture of the property. Once we make it over the hill I see the horse pasture full with at least 20 horses. 

"Its beautiful. I love that you were able to get horses as well as cattle" I say softly. He nods, "yeah. I knew you loved horses so why not get what we both want. I want cattle. You want horses." I lean into his arm and he puts his arm over my shoulders. "Thank you" I say just above a whisper as i lay my head on his chest as we look at the horses grazing in the pasture.

After a few more minutes we walk to a blanket that was laid out with a picnic basket on it. I go to sit down but before i could he grabs my hand and then he kneels before me. "What are you--" He puts his finger up to tell me to wait. After a second he pulls out a velvet box and then realization hits. "Oh my god" i whisper. "Rose, I know we haven't been together long and I know the past year has been crazy for you but I feel like we have know each other longer. I want to be the one to make you and Carter happy. I love you Rose. Will you marry me?"

I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks, but still have a smile. "Yes" i say barely loud enough for him to hear. He stands up and puts my hands in his. "Rose?" He wipes my tears away with his thumb. "Will, I love you" I say and kiss him softly on the lips. "Yes?" he asks nervously. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" He takes the ring out of the box and slips the ring on to my finger. A perfect fit. It gorgeous antique style ring. "I love it and I love you" I say as he hugs me and kisses my forehead.

The rest of the evening went perfectly. We had the picnic then went on a walk where he showed me a couple horses that he wanted me to pick one to be specifically mine. Then we sat under the stairs talking about many different subjects including when to the have the wedding. "I will cherish you always Rose. You are and always will be my cherished Rose" he says then kisses me.



Will have a Epilogue posted soon! 

Picture above is of the engagement ring

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