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Rose POV

After 8 and half hours of labor and pushing my beautiful baby is here. It was a tough trying my hardest not to get the epidural but I could only take so much. I gave in when we hit the five hour mark. The pain became to much. William was there holding my hand through everything and was supportive with me getting the epidural. He whispered nothing but sweet encouraging words.

"Miss if youd like we can put the baby in the nursery if youd like to get some sleep" I nurse broke me out of my trance. Looking down back down to the blue bundle in my arms, "I want to hold him a little longer." She nods and leaves the room. William walks back in the room from speaking to his father. "Hey babe" he says and kisses my forehead. I give him a smile in return. "I know you dont want to put the baby in the nursery but you need you sleep-." I shake my head, "No i am not--" "Let me finish. I will hold him while you sleep" he tells me. I kiss my sons forehead and carefully hand the sleeping infant to Will. Once the baby is in his hands, he sits in the chair besides the bed. 

I watch as Will holds the baby and pushes the blanket away from his face to see it better. "Did you decide officially on the name?" I nod, "I know its not one of the names we talked about but Carter. Carter James Remington." His smile widens, "Perfect. I love it." I sigh in relief. With one look at my son, I knew the name we talked about has changed. Carter is Williams middle name. James is my fathers middle name. "Get some sleep while our son is still sleeping. Im sure when he wakes up he will want to be fed" Will says. I give a small nod and snuggle further into the blankets. Better get some sleep before a nurse comes back in to get more vitals or the baby wakes.


William POV (before coming back into the room)

"She wont let me see him will she?" I shake my head no, "Albert its not going to happen. At least not anytime soon" I tell him. I'm still mad at the way that he handled everything and I know he still hasnt changed but he is my brother. "What is his name? Is he healthy?" I rub the back of my neck, "She hasnt said the name yet but yes he is perfect." Albert gives a slight nod, "Please be honest with me. What is the last name?" Rose and I have already talked about this and decided. His last name would be Remington because I am going to be his 'father'. "Remington" I state. Albert smiles, "That means I still have a chance--." I put my hand up in anger, "No you don't. The reason he will have the Remington last name is because I am the father. Its what Rose wants. Its what I want." Albert instantly fills with anger, "You seriously think you can be the father to my son!" "No, I know. He will be raised to know you as an uncle, nothing more" I state. I can see him flexing his hand into fists, so i take a step back to give more space between us. Albert's angers has always been unpredictable. 

Before anything could be said my father walks up to us. "Albert leave now or security will escort you out" he states with no emotion on his face or in his voice. Albert looks even more angry but without saying anything he walks off.

"Has he been a problem" he ask me. "No dad. He did stupidly try to get in during delivery but obviously that didnt happen." He nods, "How is she? How is my grandson?" "They are both doing very well" I smile as i glance back towards the hall that would take me back to the room. "How does it feel" he asks. I raise my brow in confusion. "To be a father" he pats my shoulder. "I couldnt be more happy." I sigh in content, "I love her." My father looks shocked at my statement but quickly recovers. "I love her and my son" I repeat. My father hugs me, "I'm happy for you. As a gift for you and your family, I would like to give my blessing to the ranch and help you start out in any way you need." I hug him back, "Thank you so much."

We agree for him and my mom to stop by tomorrow to visit and then quick goodbyes before I head back to the room to see my girlfriend and son.


Sorry it took so long. Will try to update more frequently.


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