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Rose POV

I woke up to a dark unfamilair room. William's. The sheets smell like him. I take a deep breath and sit up. Glancing around the room i take in the features. Its rustic just like the rest of the house; four poster bed with brown furniture, sheets, and curtains. I stand and walk to the window peeking out to see that it was late. Pulling my phone out of my pocket it tells me how late it truly is. 3am. Slept longer then i thought, but it defiantly felt good. My thoughts are interrupted by my stomach growling.

Heading down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake anyone, i make it by my room to notice the light is still on. Opening the door i am amazed to see it clean and redecorated with a purple color scheme. I walk in further to admire the work done to see william laying on the end of the bed past out. He is lying on his back, hands behind his head and shirtless. Sitting down next to him i notice a scar on his abdomen. My fingertips lightly trace over it and then in the curves of his six pack and finally to his chest. As i my fingers make it there i look up to Williams face to see his eyes open and him watching me closely. I take my hand away embarrassed at being caught. "Sorry" i say sheepishly. He slowly sits up, "its okay." He rubs his face trying to wake up.

"Its beautiful" i gesture to the room. "Willow helped. As well as Lucinda" he answers with a tired smile. My eyes go back to his chest and then to the scar on his abdomen. "Its from a accident at herding cattle at my friends ranch in Texas. It wasnt to bad" he answers the question. "Oh." "So, Rose couldnt sleep any longer or is there something you needed" he asks standing up grabbing his t shirt and putting it back on. "I was hungry" I say as i watch his movement, slightly disappointed that he put his shirt back on. He chuckles seeing my disappointment. "Okay, lets feed you and the baby" he says leading me out of the room and down to the kitchen.

William ends up making a simple fruit salad and a joins me for the late night snack. After we placing the dirty dishes in the sink, william turns towards me, "How are you doing Rose?" "To be honest, a little freaked out. Even with a restraining order he still came here William. Im going to be having the baby soon, I cant even imagine what would happen if he shows up then!" I feel the tears starting to build up. He walks over and embraces me in a hug, "He won't. I won't let him." he tells me. "Ever since ive meet you ive felt protective of you. I promise i will protect you and the baby." We separate leaving a few inches in-between us. "Why?" He gives me a confused look. "Why? Why do you feel so protective. We have know each other for about a week or so" i elaborate. "I care for you Rose. Its defiantly strong because ive never felt so protective over someone before. I know its fast but i cant help how i feel. Ever since i meet you all ive wanted to do is make you happy. Will you let me make you happy" he says softly with his hands on my waist. A tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it away. I nod and with that his eyes go to my lips. After a couple seconds i make his mind up for him and pull him down by his shirt. Our lips meet and instantly i feel the electricity between us. Im shocked at how right it feels. He wraps his arms around me and the space once between us is now gone. His tongue traces my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allow it and his tongue thrusts in and the battle for domance begins. After a few minutes we break and come up for air. Leaning against the counter i put my fingertips over my lips.

"Rose?" William whispers. I look up at him in question. "Will you let me make you happy?" he asks. Im still trying to comprehend what just happened. We kissed. Im carrying his brothers kid and we just kissed. Well its more Williams kid then Alberts at this point but still! Is this happening to fast? The kiss was perfect! Best ever especially compared to Albert. "Rose your over thinking is, arent you?" He comments. "Yeah, sorry i just. Ugh!" i take a deep breath and hear William let out a quiet chuckle at my response. "Yes" i finally say. "yes?" "Yes, William. I will let you make me happy. Im defiantly attracted to you, but otherwise we need to see where this goes. I don't want to rush into things especially with the baby coming and what just happened with your brother. I cant keep going down a dark path. Not that im saying you-" I ramble. "No i understand what your saying Rose. We will take it slow and steady" he says taking my hands in his and kissing the back of each. "We cant talk about this more later. Are you tired?" he asks. I nod, "though i shouldn't after all those hours of sleeping, i am" i admit.

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