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Its been a few week since I heard William say he was falling madly in love with me. I don't know if he knows that I heard it or not. The question is am I in love with William. I know he so not Albert. Albert defiantly was the wrong man. Defiantly but is this to soon for love. Though it feels like ive known William for ever, its only been months. Since the fight we have been getting along  and hadn't had any more altercations. Albert was arrested for breaking the restraining order. The got video from the restaurant that proved that Albert was truly there. George was able to get all charges against William dropped with a promise it won't happen again. So while that was getting better, I did get a call from Willow. She told my our father's health is declining. Faster then what the doctors thought.

"Rose." I turn around to see William leaning on the door frame of our bedroom. I'm currently standing in front of a floor length mirror making sure the dress i was wearing wasn't to short with my large baby bump. I am now hitting my seventh month mark. "Rose? Your spacing out again" he chuckles. I walk to him and give him a kiss on the corner of his lips. "Does this dress look to short? I normally would go past my knee but now mid thigh" I say as I take a step back so he could see my dress. William wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck, "You look lovely." He gives me another kiss beneath my ear and whispers, "Though be careful when you bend over." My cheeks instantly heat up and I step away as and smack his shoulder playfully.

"I finished. Do you want to see it?" William says as he starts walking through the doorway. "Really? Hell yes!" I try to bolt past him but he stops me by blocking the way. He has been finishing the room up himself and wouldn't let me see it until its finished. "Oh come on. You cant expect me to be patient about seeing it! I've been waiting for almost a month Will!" I stick my bottom lip out, pouting. "Here. Put this on" he says then stands behind me placing a blindfold over my head. "Fine" I mumble in defeat. He leads me down the hallway to the baby's room. I hear him unlock the door then him lead me in. "Ready?" "Duh." "I guess you don't want to see it that bad" i hear him from behind me. "I'm sorry. Please?" I hear him chuckle then within seconds he removes the blind fold. 

I'm speechless! The room is stunning! Everything I've ever wanted! "I hope those are happy tears" William stands behind me and wraps his arms around me. "Its amazing!" I walk to the crib and look at the bedding. "I can't wait for my baby to be here" i rub my stomach. "Our baby" William says as he walks to me. "Look" he points to shelves on the wall with photographs. I take a step closer to admire each photo. The second photo makes the tears come again. "How" I say as i pick up the photo. "Willow and father. They said how important your mother is to you. I know she isn't physically here but she will defiantly be watching over our son Rose." I go on my toes and kiss him on the cheek. I put the photo of my mom back on the shelve. It was a picture of my mom holding my when I was 4. Everyone always said I was the spitting image of my mom in every way. "Of course" he says and kisses my forehead. "Look over here" he leads me over to the dresser and shows me the baby books he went and picked out. "I washed all the clothes  and put them away already. If there is anything that you don't like we can change it or anything you wanted to do on your own, i will undo it so you can" William rambles on. I put my finger to his lips to shut him up. "Its perfect. Everything is perfect. I love everything about this room." I hug him and kiss him. "Im glad you like it." 

"Let's make some lunch. Willow is suppose to call you with an update of your father, right?" We walk out of the baby room and head to the kitchen. "Yeah. Suppose to hear from her anytime now." We both pull out makings for a sandwich and then will instance of William, I sit at the bar and watch him make our food.  Once he is finished we head to backyard patio. After lunch William takes the dishes back inside. My phone goes off. Please let it be good news.



"Hey Willow. So hows dad?"

"Straight to it?"

"Willow. Please just tell me. How did the tests go?"

"Its not good."

"Need a little more then that Willow."

"He is admitted to the hospital Rose. The tests came back worse then before. The only way he can be comfortable is to be in the hospital. He is fighting but they don't think his body can handle much more." I hear her sniffle. "Rose, I think we are going to loose him."

"No. We can't. Its too soon!"

"I have to go talk with his doctor. Please come as soon as you can to visit him."

"Willow! We need to talk about this. I will come visit but I want to know more! You and dad wont tell me anything but the minimum. "

"Rose, you have so much going on. Its dad's choice. He doesnt want to stress you out more."

"This is stressing me out more!"

"After mom you shut down and dad doesn't want you going through it again" she says softly.

"Im a grown as adult! I need to know what is going on Willow!"

"Text me when you plan to come by."

With that she hangs up. I toss my phone on the other chair and scream into a pillow. I feel to arms touch my shoulders and i lower the pillow to see William kneeling before me. "Rose whats wrong?" I probably look horrible knowing my eyes are red and swollen from crying. "My dad" i mumble as i lean my head into his chest. "Willow called? What she say?" Obviously he knew it wasn't good but I knew he was trying to calm me down. "He is admitted. They wont tell me details beyond 'its not good" I yell. He wraps his arms around me and comforts me as I continue to cry. "It will be okay" he says softly.



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