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Ive been stressing all night because my sister and dad are going to be here soon. Im still not sure how my dad feels. Willow seems very ecstatic about the whole situation but now. Its now 8am and i just finished getting ready for the day. Dressed in a floral green sundress and no shoes i head down to the kitchen. As i enter there is William standing without a shirt cooking food at the stove. "God. I feel like its a repeat" i say as i sit down on the bar stool. William turns around with an eyebrow raised, "What?" As i admire his chest as smile, "Definitely a lot better." William looks to where im looking a breaks out in laughter. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, "Sorry these pregnancy hormones are defiantly getting the best of me." My eyes are still taking in Williams sculpted chest and scrumptious six pack abs. "Apparently" he says with a chuckle as he dishes up two plates with breakfast. "If only i could have that for breakfast" i mumble as i take a bit of my eggs. Four more months and hopefully no more of these crazy hormones! "So im assuming that is your hormones talking?" William says in between taking bites of his food. I cough on the food, "yeah, pretty much" i laugh. "My doctor is shocked im still 'pure', as she put it, at five months pregnant." With everyone knowing what's happening, i wouldn't done he knew i was the virgin Mary in real life. William just shakes his head in amusement.

After breakfast we cleaned up. William washed and i dried the dishes. "So when is your family showing up" he asks. "Probably around nine or 10 am. They never told me the exact time," i glance down at the floor. "Nervous?" he asks. "Yup. Not sure how my dad is really feeling but i guess when he gets here we will find out" i tell him.

After we finished the dishes from breakfast, William left to do some chores around the property and i headed to his office to use his computer; with his permission of course. I have to make a checklist of what i need to get for the baby. As of right now thats pretty much everything. As im looking through the babys r us website for cribs the door bell goes off. I get up and head to to door.

Before i could say anything Williow pounces on me, squeezing me into a hug. "Willow! Cant breath" i tell her. She chuckles and releases, "Sorry." She takes a step aside to let me give dad a hug. "Hey dad, "instantly im engulfed into a hug. Once we separate we head inside to the kitchen area and sit on the bar stools. "So how has it been being pregnant? Are you excited? All the little baby stuff!" Willow asks with a big smile. "Yes. Very. I was just making a check off list and looking at some items online" i tell her. "Really? What have you gotten so far?" she asks. I give her a sheepish smile. "really? you havent gotten anything?" she asks. "I am planning to. Everything's been hectic and im finally getting settled. While your here you want to help me pick out some stuff and paint for the baby's room?" I ask her, excited that i get to share this experience with her. She nods with excitement. I turn to my dad, "How long were you guys able to stay? You guys didnt say over the phone." My dad gives a small smile, "Probably three days." I nod, "So how has retirement been dad? Anything new going on with you guys?" I ask trying to get him to open up more. "Retirement is fine. Everything is fine." "Dad" Willow gives her father a stern look, "Now." I look at her then back at my father in curiosity. "Rose at my checkup the fathers found something" he grumbles. "Dad for once stop being stubborn and just say it!" I snap at him. "I have cancer. Lung cancer." I look at Willow asking for confirmation and she looks down and nods. Seeing the tears in her eyes tells me this is all reality. "How long?" i ask. He looks at me confused. "How long have you known and what are you doing for treatment?" i refraze. Willow takes over seeing their dad struggle with telling his oldest daughter the news. "8 months ago. He has done chemo treatment but it didnt help but made it worse. Right now he is taking medication to see if it will make the difference and help but we wont know much until his next appointment" she says. Im shocked. How could this be happening. When will the bad news stop coming.

I stand up and they follow suit. "Im sorry I need a minute" I pause and then call for Lucinda. Lucinda appears within seconds, "Can you please show them to their rooms. You guys are free to explore and make yourself at home. I need a minute" I say and turn to leave out the back door. Before im able to leave my arm is grabbed by Willow. "Rose i know this is hard. I tried to convince him to tell you but he was so worried about telling you. How it would affect you. You love dad so much, he didnt want you to see and treat him differently." I feel the tears begin to build up, "okay. i just need a minute. okay." With that i walk out the back door.

I start heading towards the horse pasture. Once i get there i sit down in the grass and watch the horses graze. I wrap my arms around my belly and finally let the tears fall. I was never expecting this. After my mother died when i was six, my father stepped up and raised us. I was a daddies girl big time, though my dad said i was the spitting image of my mother. I cant believe i could loose the one person i could always count on. Ugh, im sounding selfish. Making this about me! I cant believe i haven't been there for the past eight months!

"Rose?" William walks up and bends down in front of me. "What's wrong?" he asks. I look up at him and begin rubbing my stomach in large circles. When he sees the tears streaming down my face he instantly sits down next to me, removes his work gloves and puts an arm around me. I lean into him and continue to try. "Rose" he whispers softly as he kisses the top of my head to comfort me. "Cancer. My dad. Lung cancer" i stutter out. "Oh, Rose. Im so sorry" He says as he embraces me in a hug. William sits with me for the next twenty minutes comforting me.

"William. Will you help me with something?" i ask randomly. He looks up at me, "Depends" he chuckles softly. "When i pick the paint for the babies room, will you help me paint it. Put the room together." He stands up, "of course." He reaches his hands out and pulls me to my feet. "Anything for my cherished Rose" he whispers. William then walks with me back to the house.

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