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Rose POV
We ended up shopping for about three hours and had to stop due to Rachel hearing my stomach growl. She laughs, "lets go feed you before you scare the other customers with your stomach growling that loud!" I smile sheepishly, "sorry I get hungry more often. I never realized how one person could eat so much" I joked. "No problem. Lets go to the food court" she says as we leave the department store.
We make it almost to the food court when I glance at Rachel. "What sounds good to y--" before I could finish I collided with what felt like a wall. I felt my self falling but stopped as I felt two strong muscular hands holding me. I glance up and meet the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. "Sorry about that" I heard a deep husky voice. Dreamy. Wait that voice sounds familiar. As I snap out of my day dreaming I take a step back towards Rachel. She stood there watching us, "Rose are you okay?" I nod then glance back to none other then Albert. 

Alberta's POV
I'm walking to the food court to grab something to eat. I've been in this damn mall for over an hour now trying to figure out a gift for my niece who is turning five. I'm zoned out thinking about what other stores I could check for her present as I collide with someone. All I see is a flash of red hair as the woman begins to fall towards the floor. I reach out just in time to catch her with my hands placed on her waist. "Sorry about that" I say. As she steps away I look at her and take in her features. Then it hits me. Rose. "Rose are you okay?" I glance to the blonde haired that Rose now stood beside. Once she nods she looks at me and our eyes meet. I knew she now realized who I am. Remembering our last encounter at the wedding, she probably isn't to happy to see me. I tried hitting on her and hinted at a one night stand. Of course she turned me down and I received a lecture from Nellie to leave her alone.

"Rose" I pause, "it's nice to see you. How have you been? Haven't seen you since the wedding." Shit! Shouldn't have brought up that. She smiles and laughs softly, "I'm good Albert. After the lecture from Nellie you received I figured I wouldn't see you for a while. I for one hate being on Nellie' bad side." Before I could say anything else I hear Rose's stomach growl. As I glance down I remember a very important thing. Rose was carrying my baby as Nellie and Eric's surrogate. My eyes widen as my shock sets in but quickly recover as I remember Eric mentioning she didn't want to know who the sperm came from. She only knew it was from a family member of Eric's.

The friend who I remember as Rachel steps forward, "well we were just about to get lunch so if you can excuse us" she says leading Rose towards the food court. I want to continue talking to her but not sure why. I hesitantly walk with them "I was just about to get food also. Would you mind if I join you guys?" I ask directing it towards Rose. Green eyes meet mine as she stops. I can tell she is thinking her decision through. "I guess so if Rachel doesn't mind" she says softly. Rachel shrugs, "sure why not."

I watch Rose closely, she has bags under her eyes and her hair is in a messy bun. Even looking so exhausted she looks amazing. Don't even think about it' I tell my self. She is pregnant with my kid, I can't get closer to her now. Ever since I meet her during the wedding planning I've been attracted to her. Rose was a book worm but had that natural beauty. I was drawn to her emerald green eyes and her fiery red hair. My favorite thing about her though was her attitude. Always so positive about everything but when needed she was feisty and full of sarcasm.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Rachel speaks again. "Rose, why don't you go sit and I'll get you food. Rest your feet" she says with a genuine smile. Rose nods and takes the four bags that Rachel was holding, "ummm I guess I'll have the usual from panda. I'll go get a table. You guys can find me when you done. Thanks Rachel" she says then goes to walk away but before she our eyes meet. The way she looks at me I'm not sure what it means but hopefully it leads to us at least bring civil. Rachel and I head over to the food counters and I thought pops in mind, "Rachel what's yours and Roses favorite candy?" She gives me a curious look but none the less answers ," Rose loves Reeses and I like stickers. I'm going to get our food from panda. Want anything from there" she asks. I shake my head, "I'll meet you guys at the table. Thanks though." We separate and go to our separate places.

I'm sitting here waiting for Rachel and Albert to come to the table as I get lost in thought. Why I'm I feeling like I want to jump his damn bones. As soon as I saw those gorgeous blue eyes my hormones have been going crazy. Ugh, blame this on pregnancy. I've always thought Albert was attractive but since his act at the wedding and Nellie pleading with me to avoid him, I did. Nellie would tell me what an awful player he was and how he treated woman anything but serious. At the wedding I actually did consider what he offered but I didn't want to stress Nellie on her wedding day. For me my reasons for considering it was: 1. I had a little to much to drink 2. I wanted to be more carefree for once. You know live a little. I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts as my stomach rumbles again. Glancing around I see Rachel walking towards the table.

"Here is the food. Eat up and feed that baby" Rachel laughs. I giggle and immediately dig in. I moan after the first couple bites. "Must be good" a deep voice says from behind me. Albert laughs and makes his way to sit across from me. As I feel my checks burn from embarrassment, I put my fork down, "sorry. I guess I was more hungry then I though." Rachel and Albert laugh. "Here"he says as he places a avalanche ice cream in front of me. I glance between him and the ice cream curious. He smiles and I can see the light in his eyes as he begins to talk, "when my sister was pregnant she loved Chinese food but would always get ice cream to help decrease the amount of heartburn. So I figured to get it just in case. I mean I'm not sure if you have heartburn or what not but --" he starts rambling. "Thank you Albert. That was thoughtful and yes I do get heartburn. I didn't even think about that" I laugh, "normally don't think about til after I get it." He smiles with his cheeks a little pink tint to them. Did he get embarrassed due to his rambling? What happened to the cocky and confident Albert I remember. Not complaining though; I'm enjoying the new Albert. I catch myself self staring at him and look away.

We have small talk about daily life as we eat. Once finished eating I glance at Rachel, "What time did you have to work tonight?" She pulls her phone out of the pocket, "oh crap! I gotta work in two hours" she pauses "Can we shoe shop maybe tomorrow or I'm free in four days?" I was about to agree but Albert spoke up. "If Rose doesn't mind I was going to ask if she would assist getting my niece a birthday gift. I've been here an hour before I bumped into you guys and had no luck. Plus we can go to shoe store and I can drive her home afterwards. Of course only if that's  okay with you Rose" I can see that he is nervous of rejection and it seemed like he was also battling with his thoughts. He puts his hands in his jean pockets and leans back and forth on the ball of his feet. I look at Rachel and she is grinning from ear to ear. Ugh. "Okay Albert. Thanks that would work out great. Just give me a second with Rachel" I tell him. His face lights up like he just won the lottery. Wow. I've never seen this side of him. He has changed from when I last saw him. I'm distracted from my thoughts once again as Rachel fake coughs. I really need to quit zoning out.

Rachel and I take a few steps away from the table. "Girl he has got it bad" Rachel laughs. I shake my head "What are you talking about?" She glances at Albert then back to me, "You know what I'm talking about. The two of you have been giving each other googly eyes the whole time! Back at the wedding you guys couldn't have enough space between you but now it looks like you guys could do the dirty!" I shake my head immediately, "shush Rachel! So not tru-" I'm interrupted as she continues. "He seems like he has changed. Why don't you take this time to get to know him and if things work out good you guys could always" she doesn't finish but wiggles her brow. Omg. Kill me now. I blurry my face in hands. Rachel burst laughing but stops as I look at her. "Nothing can happen Rach. Remember I'm pregnant" I tell her. She shakes her head "Yeah but not forever and after she or he is born Nellie and Eric will take the parental roll. Plus sex won't hurt the baby!" She says the last part to loud for my liking. I glance over at Albert and his face is red of embarrassment. Oh my. He definitely at least heard the last past if not more. I turn and glare at Rachel. She puts her hands up as surrender, "just promise me you won't let this pregnancy control what you want in life. You are doing a great thing for Nellie and Eric but remember it's your life" she says. She hugs me and with a wave she leaves. I turn and walk to Albert. Due to his height I had to look up to see his face, "sorry about that."

I know there is some error with grammar etc. Once I finish writing the book I plan to go back through and edit.
Hope you are enjoying the story!

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