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Rose pov

Albert came back after an hour acting like a child on christmas morning. Apparently his father already caught wind of what was going on. The big almighty ceo is very pleased to know he is having a grandchild soon. The only part i wasn't crazy about was his father mentioned marriage. Eric also happened to be joined in the phone call to help explain more in detail of how this all happened. I walk to the full length mirror and run my hands down my red knee length dress tryinf to smooth out any wrinkles. Since im past the four month mark it is hard to hide my stomach. I constantly feel like im carrying a watermelon. Not to mention my boobs! In another week i should be hitting my 5 month mark.

My thoughts are interrupted at knocking on the door. "Rose, are you ready?" I walk to the door grabbing my clutch and open the door. There standing before me is a very handsome Albert, dressed in a fitted black suit with white undershirt and black tie. "You look stunning Rose" albert says then leans foward placing a kiss on my cheek. "You look good also" i respond softly as i feel my cheeks heat up at his compliment. "I love how i can make you blush so easily" he chuckles. "Keep that ego on check Albert" i shoot back. I know he has said he has changed plus ive seen the change from his playboy ways but it worries me still. "Of course" he smirks. We leave my apartment and take a sleek black car his father sent for us.

We walk into the fancy restaurant called Internationals. "Welcome Mr. Remington. Follow me and i will lead you to your table." A blonde hostess says as soon as we enter. "Has my father arrived?" albert asked. We both follow her back to a secluded part of the restaurant. "Nob sir. He hasn't. I will bring him back as soon as he arrives. Is there anything you guys would like while waiting" she asks while pulling out a notepad. Albert and i sit side by side.  "Yes, ill have scotch on the rocks. Rose?" "ill have iced water with lemon wedge please" i add. With a nod the hostess leaves. Im fiddling with hands in my lap trying to contain my nerves. I look up as albert scoots closer and places his hand on mine. "Don't be nervous. Its just going to be my father, a businessman and us. Though Eric might appear if he finishes his other meeting at the office soon enough. During the beginning we should keep away personal stuff until the other businessman leaves. I promise everything will go okay. If at any point anything gets uncomfortable ans you want to leave, let me know and we will." Before i could respond a waitress places our drinks on our table.

My mind drifts and starts thinking about how much Albert has changed. He has changed so much since we- "what are you thinking about Rose?" Albert interrupts my thoughts. "To be honest, how much we've changed. "I mean Eric and Nellie's wedding we couldn't stand each other. Now im having a baby and we are in a relationship. Its just crazy and it all happened in short amount of time." He looks taken back at what i said but when i see his eyes look to something behind me, i turn to see Mr Remington himself.

"Its a good thing to know such a down to earth woman is with my son. No one more night stands and partying" mr remington says as he sits down beside me. "Dad!" albert raises his voice. "Ah, son. She knows what you've done obviously, the whole world has. Im just stating facts. She may not be from the higher society doesn't mean​ she isn't a worthy woman. Especially now that she is carrying my grandchild." he continues to ramble. I chuckle softly about how blunt he is. "Dad please" albert tries interrupting. "So am i having a grandson or granddaughter Rose" he questions. Before i can answer Albert puts his hand on mine. "Father let's wait til the business meeting is over then we can get to personal matters." "Albert the meeting was cancelled due to me being more interested in meeting Rose. Your mother had a prior engagement so she couldn't make it. Eric should be here shortly though" he pauses and looks at me. "So boy or girl?" Before answering i glance at Albert then back at him, "Boy. Mr Remington we are having a boy" i say smiling. "Ahh no mr remington. Makes me feel so old. Its George. Just George" he says with a laugh. "Very excited. Though i wish there was marriage first before but considering that there is different circumstances. Im glad that you guys are trying to be together." Eric shows up after a few minutes of random conversation. I stand up and give him a hug instantly. Eric and i have always been close due to him being the brother i never had. "Hey Rose" Eric says returning my hug and then placing a kiss on my cheek. I sit back down and look to Albert who looks who instantly looks away. I wonder what he was thinking he looks upset. He almost seemed upset. Dinner concludes of a retelling of how this all started and how Nellie disappeared. Apparently Nellie filed divorce papers and that was the meeting Eric had before meeting us here. "How is she?" i ask. "Same old Nel. Resilient as always" eric answers. "Im sorry. Its still hard wrapping my head around what happened and what she did to us. I grew up with her and was best friends for so long. I just" i stop not knowing what else to say. Albert gives my hand a squeeze for reassurance. I look to Eric, "its okay Rose. We will make the best of our situation. I will be the godfather, right?" i chuckle at how he can always lighten the situation. "Of course Eric. Wouldn't want anyone else."

George clears his throat. "Albert i want the process of you becoming ceo once the baby is born. Im ready to retire and seeing how you have taken responsibility in this predicament i think your ready. " Albert looked as shocked as i did. "I also want to gift the swan house to you Rose and my grandson" George adds. "Swan house?" i question. "Rose the swan house is one of the many properties i own. Right now my other son upkeeps it but besides that it has been a gem property of ours. But now it belongs to you. Albert i understand this property may be a favorite of yours but you can only aquire it through marriage otherwise it stays in only Rose's name" george explains then places a key in my hand. "Was a pleasure dear" George stands kisses my cheek and walks away.

I look at Albert who has a shocked look on his face. Eric coughs, " ill see you guys later." anyone near us could defiantly see the tension. "Albert say something." Im worried that his dad giving me the house will take us two steps back. "What do you want me to say Rose?" he says softly. I take his hand in mine, " tell me your not mad at me getting the swan house" i tell him. He stands up instantly, "why would i be mad? You think im that petty that i would be mad at the house that i loved for years has been given to the woman who is carrying my child" he yells and then storms out of the restaurant.

Tears instantly stream down my face. After a few minutes i compose myself and stans up grabbing my jacket and bag. As i head to the front of the restaurant i see  Eric and Albert yelling at each other through the glass doors. I walk out a s try to go around and catch a cab but im pulled back by Eric's arm. "Come stay with me. I dont trust you around this jackass right now" he says sternly. I pull my arm from his grip, " no Eric. Im going home and Albert can stay at his place. He is no longer welcome at my place" i say without hesitation. "Rose, you arent suppose to be by yourself for at least another week. Please-" before he could say anymore i hold my hand up to stop him. "I will call Rachel. Or my sister Willow. As of right now i want to be left alone." Albert walks closer to us, "dont be stupid. Eric just stated your not suppose to be alone" he yells. " well fuck you! Go screw somebody and control them!" i scream back at him and turn to leave. As i am entering the cab i glance to the men. Eric is full of concern while Albert is full of pure rage.

Once i get home i strip down to my under garments and lay in bed. I pass out instantly.

What do you guys think so far?
Please do remember i havent gone through it and edited it yet.

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