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After realizing that I'm snuggled up in a bed with a shirtless Albert I begin to slowly remove my arm that was wrapped across his waist and head off his chest. Once I'm no longer touching him I sit up and lean against the headboard. He must've carried me in here after I feel asleep while we watched the movie. It's look at the floor to ceiling windows and it's dark. Wondering about time I glance to the alarm clock on the night stand. 2 am. Wow I've been asleep for already 7 hours.

I leave to use the bathroom then climb back into the bed. As I pull the blanket back over my self I see Albert moving. "Are you alright Rose?" I smile as I see that his eyes are still closed but he turns to his side to face you. "I'm good just had to use the restroom. Sorry I woke you. I'm assuming you're okay with me staying since it's so late?" After a few moments of silence I watch as he slowly opens his eyes and I make eye contact with those gorgeous blue eyes. Ugh. I could stare at them all day. "I enjoy having you around you Rose. Your welcome here anytime" his lips curve to form a small smile.
I turn to face away him and close my eyes, "Thanks Albert." I feel movement behind me then an arm wrapped around my waist as his chest meets my back. Instead of moving away from him I snuggle further into him. Ahh. This feels so nice compared to sleeping alone. Warm and ugh! This has to be a one night thing. I need too stay focused on my goal. My dream bookstore cafe. There is enough on my plate bring pregnant. Eventually I fall back asleep.

Alberta's POV
I wake up and admire a sleeping Rose. After the movie finished and Rose was still sleeping, I carried her to bed. While she slept I went to my office and did some paper work. After two hours I went to check on her. Since she hasn't moved I just removed my shirt and climbed in bed on the other side. I made sure that there was already a foot between us. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable if she woke up in bed with us touching. I was surprised when she didn't react to us snuggling in the middle of the night.

I get out of bed and pull a shirt on and sweat pants. Before leaving the room I glance to a sleeping Rose. She looks so peaceful. Walking straight to the kitchen through the living room, I jump around at a voice. "Why is she here?" I whip around and see Eric sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Should I act like I don't know what he is talking about or just be honest. Instead of getting my coffee started like planned I go and sit on the chair across from the couch. Eric finally looks up and hid eyes are red and puffy. He immediately looks back to the floor. I stand up and sit next to him, "Eric what's going on? Did something happen?" I paused, "Are you mad Rose is here" I question. I've never seen him so upset besides when his grandmother died a few years ago. I decide honesty right now is the best choice.

"Nellie left" he paused, "she had been acting different the past few months but I never imagined this." Eric stands and walks to the window and stares out at the view. "I came home early to spend time with be Nellie and hoped to talk about what's been going on with her but instead I walked in on her having sex with some guy on my couch" he spoke angrily.

I stood up and walked to him ," I'm so sorry Eric. I'm here for you if you need anything. I don't know what else to say but I'm here for you" I give Eric a hug. We walk back to the couch and sit. "Did she give a reason for any of this? What about the baby? Rose?" I ask. Thank God for Rose still being asleep.

Rose POV

I woke up to light streaming into the room. I roll over expecting to see Albert but his spot is empty. I glance at the time and it's nine o'clock. Being pregnant I definitely sleep a lot more. It's crazy to believe in less then twenty four hours Albert and I have gotten close.

As I leave the bedroom I hear multiple voices. Eric! I smile as I recognize his voice. I continue down the hall but stop as a hear part of their conversation. "Did she give a reason for any of this? What about the baby? Rose?" That was definitely Albert.

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