8 continued

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As soon as i entered the kitchen i see Albert in front of the stove cooking only wearing basketball shorts. As he moves observe his back muscles flexing. "Mhmmm." Albert whips around, "still haven't gotten used to how quiet you can be. I swear you scare me at least four times a day" he chuckles. "Sorry Albert. I didnt. Mean to startle you" i say as my eyes are watching his sculpted chest. "Mhmm." "Rose?" I glance up and i see his amusement in his eyes. "Do i need to put a shirt on Rose" he asks.  "Uhh whatever you want to do" i mumble, finally making an eye contact. "Well depends if your going to keep making those noises?" instantly i feel my cheeks warm. Im sure i look as bright as a tomato at this point.  "Oh" i look at the floor, seeing how i cant see my feet. I cant believe im allowing my hormones to take over and am making the noises outloud. Then again what girl wouldnt want a shirtless guy in their kitchen. Ugh. 'Pg thoughts' i tell my self. I look up as he walks towards me. "Rose" he pauses as he takes my hand, "if you aren't comfortable with me being shirtless i can make sure to put one on. Just let me know. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. That's not where i want our relationship to start. Making eye contact, i take a deep breath, " its not necessarily that it makes me feel uncomfortable" i mumble. He doesnt respond and i look up to see mixed emotions display across his face. "What?" he chuckles, "Rose are you trying to say your attracted to me?" i pull my hand from his. "You son of a bitch! Im being honest and you cant control your ego!" I scream at him and turn to walk away. Before i can make it to the hallway, im wiped around as Albert grabs my hand. "Rose im sorry i was just trying to mess around. I apologize how it came out. I appreciate you being honest." Albert puts my hand on his waist and pulls me to him. I look up into his eyes and believe he is trying to be sincere. "Im sorry i overreacted. Im just getting so... Ugh!" I run my hands through my hair as i realize what i was about to say. Albert hugs me and i hear him laugh softly. I wrap my hands around his waist and lay my head on his chest.

After a few minutes pass, i lean back and make eye contact with Albert. Alberts eyes glance at my lips, "may i?" I nod. Instantly my lips are covered by his. He glides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. After a moment i oblige and hiss tongue to battle with mine. I eventually give in and let him dominate. My hands run up his chest and wrap around his neck. Albert hands graze my back and then be lifts me up by my butt. Instantly i wrap my legs around his waist. Without separation, Albert carries me down the hall way to my bedroom. With a soft thud he drops me onto my bed and then climbs on top of me. He hovers above me with a sensual smile. I reach up and place my arms back around his neck pulling him back down. We continue to make out for a few minutes then snuggle as i drift to sleep.

"Rose. Hey. Rose" Slowly i open my eyes and sit up. "I made you lunch. Figured you should eat something before it gets any later in the day" albert says placing a plate of an omelette on my lap. Before i could even respond my stomach answered for me by rumbling loudly. We both burst out laughing. After composing myself i leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "No problem" he smiles and then stands up. " rose i have work to get done on my laptop and have a dinner meeting to attend but i was--" before he could finish i spoke up. " oh don't worry about me. Go take car of your business" i smile. Albert chuckles, "Actually i was seeing if you would be my date. It will probably be a boring for the meeting part but i was kind of hoping you would come to meet someone." Albert paces back and forth in my room looking nervous. "Before i make my decision. Can you tell me who?" He stops walking and sits next me. "My dad. Its a big meeting between our company and one we are trying to purchase" he pauses, "he doesn't know about the baby but im going to call him in a few to discuss the deal and i would like to tell him. Of course id your okay with that" he says.

Albert wants me to meet his dad! The big ceo of Remmy Enterprises. Ive heard about him through Nellie and Even but never actually met him. "I would love to go with you Albert, but only of your father knows of our situation ahead of time. The whole story. If he is upset about this, please tell me after the phone call. I dont want to go into this not knowing how he is feeling." A smile appears on Albert's face, "of course. Thank you Rose." he stands to leave but before he walks out he turns to me, " do you mind if i introduce you as my girlfriend". I nod with my cheeks turning pink.

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