Coffee- Markiplier

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   Your laptop was open in front of you on the table and you stared at the screen blankly. You hadn't gotten much sleep last night; your new roomate was rather loud. If it continued tonight you were going to go over there and tell him to keep it down or (insert threat here). But you definitely needed something to keep you awake. You went up to the counter and scanned the options on the menu.
   "Hi what can I get for you?" The pretty girl behind the counter asked.
   "Uhhhhhh... I have no clue. Gimmie a sec." You stepped back and looked behind you at the customer that was waiting, "you can go ahead, I didn't think about what I wanted before I went up here." The guy was rather handsome, he had dark hair that was dyed red at the top and was a bit muscular, which showed nicely through his t-shirt. Suddenly you realized he had said something and blushed, you had gotten distracted checking him out.
   "Um I'm sorry what was that?"
   He smiled like he realized what had distracted you, "I was just asking if you would like a suggestion."
   "Uhm, yes please. I want something tasty that will keep me awake." (Authors note: when I was writing this line I was like "that sounds like a description of Mark" XD). He made his suggestion and you smiled at him.
   "Thank you. I can never decide what to order." You placed your order and the man came up beside you.
   "Place that on the same tab as mine please? I would like the same thing also. Thank you." He smiled at the cashier politely before turning and winking at you.
   "I can pay for my own coffee." You said, though you were flattered.
   "Yeah I know, but I wanted to. I'm Mark by the way."
   You could feel your smile widening, "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you Mark."
   The two of you waited together for your order and when the barista handed you your order he asked, "do you mind if I sit with you?"
   "No not at all." He sat across from you and you closed your laptop so you could talk to him.
   "So what're you here for? Just some coffee?" He asked.
   "Well I have a paper to write but I'd rather talk to you."
   He smiled, "are you flirting with me Y/N?"
   You blushed, "I don't know, do you want me to be flirting with you?"
   "Hm, that would be nice."
   "I mean; who wouldn't want to flirt with a handsome guy like you?"
   "And who wouldn't want to be flirted with by someone as attractive as yourself?" He winked again and took a sip of his coffee.
   "You should probably give me your number now."
   "Happily, give me your phone?" You slid it across the table and he entered his name in as "Mark ;)". He then handed you his phone and you entered your name and number in his contacts.
   "Thank you." You smiled
   "It's no problem." Jeez his voice was beautiful, like melted chocolate. The two of you sat and talked for a long time, you not getting your paper done at all.
   "Well I should probably get going." You said, finishing off your coffee.
   "Aw ok. I'd love to do this again sometime. I really enjoyed myself Y/N."
   You blushed, "so did I Mark. We can text each other and make plans."
   "Sounds great." You turned to leave but you were suddenly pulled into Marks arms and surrounded by the scent of his cologne.
   "It was really great talking to you Y/N. You're sweet and really funny and really attractive."
   "Uhm, thank you Mark. You're very sweet." He released you from his embrace and you pulled away reluctantly and left him sitting at the table smiling at you.

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