Final Story

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   You find yourself sitting in a room, your eyes covered and your hands tied to the chair you sit on. You struggle against the ties that hold you but of course it is no use.

"You're awake, good." You recognize the voice and as soon as the blindfold is lifted you know why it's... Markiplier? At least a version of him with bleached hair and glowing white eyes. All over his arms and bare chest are written words that you can not see in the dim lighting.

"I am not Markiplier."

"Then who are you?"

His eyes flash and sputter,

"YOu SHouLD Know VerY Well Y/N." He roars getting very close to you,

"I've been here all along, I've saved your life. I've made you HAPPY, you've read me over and over and- lets face it- you NEED me. But now?" he turns away,

"Now you don't spend as much time with me. You don't care anymore. You don't love me. You were just using me"

"I don't even know you!"

His eyes darken again and he kicks the chair you're sitting in over,

"Don't you say that to me! You don't know what you're talking about! You're not a REAL FAN!" He gets more and more hysterical until... he stops. Suddenly he just stands there until... he fades away. In his place stands... Markiplier?

The real him this time, no glowing eyes or bleached hair. Just the him you've come to know and love.

Crossing over to you he quickly undoes the ties.

"Who the hell was that?"

"Not who but what. He is the fandom, all of the comments and fanfictions and fanart in one. It seems parts of him thinks that no one should ever leave him because because he "saved your life."

"But he did save my life, you saved my life."

He smiled,

"That is so kind of you Y/N, but the thing is. I just make videos. I'm just a goofy dude yelling at a screen. The only one that saved your life is you. You're the one that chose to use someone else's happiness to keep going. That was all you, and I am so proud of that, we all are. Every person you've ever fallen in love with through a screen, who you've enjoyed and laughed at and created something for.  We're proud of you, because you kept going when it is so hard, and that is so special, so brave, and I commend you for it."

"What do I do now?"

"You keep going on, you keep chasing the stars even if you fall, you keep working on loving yourself and the world around you. Because we're on a spinning rock in space and there's nothing you can do about it but find out how to make it work for you."

Alters (Markipliers Alter Egos X Reader) ???Where stories live. Discover now