Assasin-Wilford Warfstache

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   The mansion was like a beacon of light, drawing in well-dressed geusts like moths. Your hand lightly grazed the handle of the knife in your jacket and you tied your full faced mask tightly around your head so it would not slip. You knew he was here, the man with the pink mustache would meet his end tonight.
   Once inside the ballroom you surveyed the masked faces and thought your task might be harder then it first seemed. That was until the man himself walked right up to you, his moustache visible under his partial mask.
   "Good evening, Shall we?" He made a sweeping gesture toward the other dancing couples.
   "Of course." You couldn't believe your luck as the fool led you by the gloved hand to the floor and pulled you into position for a waltz.
"So what brings yourself to master Damians gala? Do you know him personally?" You fumbled for an excuse,
   "Um, yes of course we went to academy together."
   "I see. So you must be long time freinds?"
   "Well not really, we recently um reconnected at another gathering and he invited me here tonight. I'm not sure if he would remeber."
   "Ah I see." He pressed no farther which relieved you,
   "I'm sure he would remeber a charming person like yourself. May I have your name?"
   Why would I tell him my real name! You thought instantly regretting it,
   If you hadn't I would've known. His voice echoes in your head,
   "What??" You ask aloud, bewildered.
   "What?" He seems confused,
   "Oh nothing I thought I heard something."
   "Ah yes it's quite noisy in here, would you like to go somewhere quieter?" He gives you a little wink.
   "Of course." You say smiling as he leads you from the ball room and up a set of wide stairs to where the bedrooms were located.
   "You know I never got your name yet you're already taking me to the bedrooms." You say chuckling. He chuckles along,
   I believe you already know my dear. His voice floats through your head once again,
   "I said it's Wilford, ah here we are." He opens a door to a large suite with a large wall of glass doors facing out onto the brightly lit lawn.
   "I figured we could enjoy some champagne together." He crosses the room to a pair of leather chairs that overlook the window and you join him, a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice sits on the small table in between you as if he already knew you would be coming.
   "It's quite a lovely night for a gathering like this." He says as he pours the bubbly liquid into two glasses you swear weren't there before and hands one to you.
   "Cheers." He clinks your glass with his own.
   "What are we toasting to?" You ask after taking a sip.
   "To you my dear Y/N." You blush,
   "What did I do?"
   "Came here and sought me out." He smiles and turned toward the glass door closest to you and opens it, letting the music from the outdoors band drift in.
   "Ah yes it's quite beautiful music." He places his glass on the table and reaches out his hand for you to take. As you do he takes your own glass and sets it down while he draws you close.
   You sway in silence for a moment, letting the music fill the room, you have to admit you enjoy the feeling of being this close to him, it almost made you sad for what you had to do. But a job was a job and you would do what you were paid to.
   You are distracted from your thoughts when you feel Wilford's hand tilt up your chin so that he could look into your eyes,
   "You have such beautiful deep eyes Y/N." He says staring deeply, distracting you until it's too late to stop him from undoing the string that holds on the mask and moving it out of the way so that he could gently press his lips to yours in a soft kiss.
   Damn he had to make this complicated.
   Of course I did. His voice echoes as he pulls away,
   "Do you really think I'm going to make this is easy Y/N? I am no fool my dear, this whole night has been about making this hard on you."
   You stare at him dumbfounded and he gives you a smirk,
   "Did you really think I was just some fool? Asking the person hired to kill me to dance? No no no my dear, I am Wilford Warfstache." He places a hand on the back of your head and you close your eyes as he leans close for a gentle peck,
   "I know what's best."
   And with that he has disappeared from the room. But by the last resonating thought he left in yoir head you knew it wouldn't be for long,
   See you soon my dear.

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