Warfstache Tonight! -Wilford Warfstache

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   You had been a YouTuber for three years and had wracked up quite a subscriber count. Of course the amount of subscribers you had didn't matter: it was the fact that you, along with all your fans, enjoyed what you were doing. You had the greatest job in the world.
   As you were preparing for a "reading your messages" video- in which you would search through emails, Facebook messages and other private messages you have recieved and give your responses- you noticed an email from what you recognized to be a famous talk show.

To: (Your YouTube name)@Xemail.com
From: WarfstacheTonight!@Xemail.com

Dear Y/N
   We have heard that you have recently reached 10,000,000 subscribers; congratulations! We would like to invite you to star on our talk show Warfstache Tonight! to talk about your success on YouTube and get to know you as a person. Please reply with your answer by March 30; your interview will take place on April 15. The address of the location will be sent at a later time, should you accept our offer.

Stephanie Claine
Secretary to senior reporter Wilford Warfstache

   You leaned back in your chair in awe, an interview? For me? On a famous talk show? You couldn't quite believe it. You read the email three times more to make sure there wasn't a hoax or you got Punk'd written at the bottom.
   How do I even decide wether to go or not? Do I tell the fans? What if I can't do it? It'll be so much different from recording alone, this way people will be staring at me. I don't think I can do it. Nope, not going to do it.
   You continued searching through other messages and emails and paused when you got to a certain one.

Dear (your YouTube name),
   Hello! You'll probably never read this (I understand, you've got so many messages and emails). But anyway, my name is Meghan, I'm 16 years old and I love love love your videos. My biggest dream is to one day meet you but I don't think I'll ever be able to, my family is poor because my mother suffered from a blood condition and passed away last year. It's been tough; but your videos have helped me through a lot of my darkest times and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for doing what you do and being there for all of us when we need you.

Meghan Cedar

   Oh boy. You thought, I have to do this interview thing. My fans love me and I need to keep being there for them. I can't help this girl personally but I can let them get to know me. You found the email from WarfstacheTonight!@Xemail.com and quickly typed your reply that you would accept the invitation.
   "Hello ladies and gentlemen and all other configurations of being. I'm Wilford Warfstache and we have a very special guest for you tonight. They have recently hit 10,000,000 subscribers on YouTube and is known for their dazzling smile." His voice deepened and he dragged out the last part of his sentence. I blushed as I watched Mr. Warfstache from the area I was waiting in to come on stage.
   "Ladies and gentleman and all other configurations: (your YouTuber name)!" Everyone cheered and you smiled and walked out to sit across from Mr. Warfstache.
   "Hello Y/N, it's lovely to have you here." He smiled charmingly.
   "It's amazing to be here, I have to admit I'm a bit nervous."
   "Don't be, you'll do just fine." He patted your arm and smiled.
   "Thank you."
   "So, Y/N you have recently hit 10,000,000 subscribers. What do you feel has gotten you to that point?"
   "Well its certainly little to do with me, I'm just an idiot with a camera. It's my fans out there that have gotten me this far." You pointed out at the crowd and they cheered.
   "Ah yes, so these fans. What do you think brings them to your channel?
   "Well to be honest I don't know exactly but I can tell you what fans tell me. They say that I make them happy, that when things are hard I give them something else to focus on. I actually recently recieved an email from a 16 year old girl named Meghan who recently lost her mom, she told me that I helped her throught tough times. I am so honored I can be that person for my fans."
   "You're very humble Y/N and quite charming. But take a moment to be selfish here, what's your favorite video you've ever done?"
   You blushed and described it to him, "Now Y/N I have one more question for you."
   "Okay go ahead."
   "What motivates you? What keeps you uploading videos?"
   "Well because I love what I do. I love my fans and the friends I've found through YouTube. I love that I started off without a family and now I have 10,000,000 family members."
   He smiled, "Thank you so much Y/N it's been lovely talking with you. Ladies and gentle (your YouTube name)" the audience cheered and the two of you stood up, Mr. Warfstache grabbed your hand and did a stage bow, you giggled.
   The show went off air and Mr. Warfstache turned to you, "that was a lovely interview Y/N. How about we go get some dinner?" He asked as the two of you walked backstage to the area where you had waited to come on stage.
   "That's sounds great. Let me just go get my jacket and purse."
   "Ok. I'll wait for you out here ." He smiled and gave you a small wink. After getting your things you walked back out to the waiting area and found Wilford sitting there waiting for you. He had untucked his button down and took of the suspenders so he looked more casual and to be honest a bit more sexy.
   "Hey." You smiled.
   "Hey, you ready to go?" He stood up.
   He took his keys out of his pocket, "I'll drive since I already know where we're going.
   "Oh I hope you don't mind Italien. We can go somewhere else-"
   You grabbed his arm, "Trust me Mr. Warfstache, Italian is great."
   He chuckled, "Mr. Warfstache? Please Y/N, call me Wilford."
   "Oh ok. If you want." The two of you reached his car and he opened the passenger door for you.
   "Thank you." He got in the car and started it.
   "So how do you think the interview went?"
   "Oh I thought it was great."
   "Me too, it was really nice talking to you. It was actually difficult for me to not ask you a thousand questiins because I'm very interested in you."
   You blushed, "Well thank you very much. You can ask me anything you want" The two of you spent the rest of the car ride to the resturant having a casual conversation. Once the two of you were inside and seated you looked at the menus and decided what to order.
   "What do you think you'll have Wilford?"
   "Hmm, pasta."
   "I was thinking the same thing!" The two of you laughed and the waiter came over to take your order.
   Once the waiter left Wilford looked at you intensely, "But seriously Y/N, it's been really nice talking to you. I think I'd like to do this again if you would want to." He reached out slowly and grabbed your hand that was sitting on the table.
   You blushed again, "I've been really enjoying myself too Wilford. I would love to see you again.

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