Pomegranate- Darkiplier

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The air in greenhouse 3 was stiff and hot and the water bottle you had gave little relief from the unforgiving heat. You had been working at Demeter's Gardens since the beginning of the summer to make yourself some money for college, and it was hard and tiring work. You took a sip of your warm water and began potting the wild flowers you had dug up earlier that day; although it wasn't very fun it was kind of nice to be around beautiful plants all day.
"Hey Y/N." You jumped and almost dropped the flower you were holding.
"Jeez Deme you scared me. What's up?" Demeter was a 65 year old woman but that did not mean she was old in the mental sense. She was a lively, active lady who spent her days tending her gardens.
"I'm sorry. I'm going to the bank to get your paycheck for you. I'll be back soon."
"Okay, thanks Deme."
"I made some lemonade, it's in the fridge if you want any."
You smiled, "You are amazing."
"Oh it's nothing dear." She turned to leave, "Oh, one more thing. Can you make a dozen mixed wildflower bouquets for me after you're done potting those?"
"Sure thing.
"Thank you." The woman left and you were left alone in the greenhouse. After potting the last of the flowers you exited the greenhouse and walked up the path to the house. Inside you were greeted by the welcoming air conditioning and you sighed in relief. You opened the refrigerator and poured yourself a large glass of the promised lemonade, the sweet liquid was heaven for your dry mouth, you drank it quickly and set the glass in the sink ready to start working again. You exited the house, grabbed a wagon with pots on it and went over to the wildflower field and started picking dozens of pretty wildflowers. You were just about done when suddenly you felt a small tremor underneath your feet.
Is that an earthquake? The shaking started to grow more and more intense and you were thrown down into the dirt as dust and rocks flew up around you. You were sure the Earth was going to be ripped in half but it suddenly stopped. You lay there for a moment more unable to move and suddenly felt hands lifting you up.
You figured it was Demeter's neighbor trying to help you, "I'm fine, I'm fine." You waved him away but the hands kept pulling you. You turned over to see a man you had never seen before, he had dark hair and he wore dark armour.
"Um who are you?"
He gave a sultry smile, "My name is Darkiplier my dear."
"Oh ok thanks for-" You gasped. In the middle of the field there was huge gaping hole in the Earth and beside it stood a black chariot drawn by a horse.
"What the hell."
"Ah yes, sorry about that my dear. It should close once we return."
"Return? Return where? What the hell is going on?! I'm not going anywhere with you!"
He chuckled, "Yes my dear I'm afraid you are." He effortlessly hoisted you up over his shoulder and started carrying you towards the chariot. You flailed around and kicked at him wildly but he didn't even seem to notice.
"No what the hell ate you doing! This is kidnapping!"
"Come on my dear quit being difficult."
"Never!" You landed a hard kick to his groin and he doubled over in pain, dropping you in the process. You landed with a hard thud but recovered quickly and took off running in the direction of the house; you had to get a phone to dial the police. Your feet thudded hard against the ground and you fought the urge to look back to where he was. You threw open the door to the house and were about to lock it but he grabbed the handle and turned. You and him battled with the door for a minute before you realized that he was much stronger so you decided to book it up the stairs and lock yourself in Demes room. You took a breath, counted to three and then let go of the handle and started running up the stairs. Once Demes room you locked the door behind you and started frantically searching for a way out.
"Y/N this isn't going to hold me at all. Just let me in." You opened the window that led onto the roof, you could slide down and run easlily.
"No you insane bastard!"
You heard him growl and mumble something under his breath, "Alright Y/N we can play the easy or the hard way. Either you let me in and we talk and I'll let you walk back with me or I break down this door and drag you back."
"Fuck you!"
"Alright if that's how you want to be my dear." You started climbing out the window as he thudded against the door heavily and it cracked. You were halfway out when he grabbed your ankles and pulled you back in. He slammed the window shut, locked it, picked you up and set you on the bed.
"Now you will sit down and be good or I will tie you up and carry you back like a fine roast do you understand?" You turned your head sharply away from him.
"I said: do. You. Understand." He brought his face closer with each word and you shrunk back.
"Good. Now let's sit here for a moment. You have tired me out. Amazing really, I can run for hours but I seem to be drained."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He looked at you, "You will understand soon my dear."
"Quit calling me that."
"Hmm, no."
You turned away from him, "Jerk."
"I suppose I am." He rose to his feet, "Alright let's go."
"I didn't ask." He scooped you up and carried you so now your legs hung over his back.
You kicked at him again, "That doesn't do anything Y/N."
"Well it's better than not trying."
He chuckled a low rumble in his chest, "I admire your determination."
You kicked at him again, "You're insane."
"Maybe so."
Your fist met his chest, "Positively so."
"Calm down dear I'm not going to hurt you."
"You already did."
"What?!" The two of you reached the chariot and he set you down quickly but gently.
"Where did I hurt you?"
"It's nothing." You turned away from him.
He scowled, "Y/N I demand you show me where I hurt you." You looked down at your stomach just above your jeans and he lifted up your shirt a little to reveal a purplish bruise where he had grabbed you and a small cut from the windowsill.
"Oh Y/N. I am so, so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just- was trying to get you to stay. I-i... this was a mistake. I should have waited, told you about this before but I just- I need you Y/N. You don't even understand."
"No, I don't at all. I don't know you, I've never met you before in my life!"
"Let me explain. Just come with me, I promise I mean you no harm. Let me show you. Please, it's all I ask."
"I-i don't know you. I'm afraid."
"I know, I know I'm sorry. But you have to understand, I promise I won't hurt you." He gently picked you up and placed you on the chariot; getting on after you he took the reins.
He wrapped an arm around your waist, "You may want to hold on to me." He whistled and gave a flick of the reins and suddenly the horses burst into motion. The ground soon turned to a blur underneath you as you came closer to the gaping hole in the ground; you instinctively held tight to Darkiplier and shut your eyes tight until finally the two of you stopped.
"You can let go now." You blushed and pulled away.
"Sorry I- uh..."
"It's fine dear, the ride to the underworld is quite rough."
"Under-?" You looked around and saw that the scenery had changed. You stood on a path that went up a jaged mountain top to a large castle with ivy hanging off the sides.
"Shall we go in?"
"I-I" He grabbed your hand and you walked throught the castle doors.

Vote for pt. 2 (cause I want to publish a chapter today). If you're confused this is based off of the story of Persephone and Hades.

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