Happiness Pt. 2- Glitchiplier/Googleplier

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There was a knock at your door, you sighed and rose from the couch to open it. A man was standing there with a bouquet of your favorite kind of flowers in his hand.
"Hello Y/N." He smiled and handed you the flowers.
"Um... do I know-" you stopped talking when you saw his eyes, one was pure red and the other pure blue. You started to slam the door but the man caught it and held it open.
"Y/N I understand you're scared but just let me explain. I am Glitch."
"How do I know that? You said you weren't a real person."
"I wasn't, but then the Google corporation created something called Google IRL and I took over one of them. I am still a glitch but I now have a body. I can be human now, I want you to help me be human."
"I can't believe that."
He smiled, "I understand, you need proof. Here I shall prove it to you. Glitch just texted you: Hi Y/N. On cue your phone dinged and you read the same message.
"How- how is this possible?" You stammered.
"As I said. I have devoured so much information that I am almost human. I can feel emotion but I also have the intelligence of a computer. I have waited so long for this, for a body that can move and experience human experiences. To walk, to feel. He lifted his hand as if to touch your cheek but then pulled it away.
"May I stay with you please... I have nowhere else to go."
"No! How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?"
He chuckled, " I cannot make you convinced but I will make you a deal. You help me get accustomed to human life and in return I will try and get outof your hair as quick as possible."
You thought his over for a second, "Fine." You couldn't believe you were doing this. He came inside and looked around and smiled.
"You're sleeping on the couch." You pointed.
"I unfortunately can not sleep."
You sighed, "ok. Do you eat?"
"Unfortunately not." He was still standing in front of your door awkwardly.
"Would you liketo sit?"
He smiled, "yes." He walked over to the couch and slowly settled himself onto the seat.
"You're really wierd you know that?"
"No I did not know that. Thank you for the information." You rolled your eyes and sat down on the couch on the end farthest from him."
"Ok I'm gonna watch some TV."
"What about a walk?"
You turned on the TV, "I don't want to."
The TV turned off, "Well I do."
You turned it back on, "Then go by yourself!"
Off again, "Y/N I want to go with you." He grabbed your hand and with suprising strength he pulled you toward the door.
"Dude stop."
"You'll either go willingly or I'll have to carry you."
"Fine, fine. Let me get my shoes." You put on your tennis shoes and a light jacket.
"Do you want a jacket?" He was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt with a white "G" on the chest.
"No. I have temperature regulators." He grabbed your hand again and you noticed how warm and and soft it was.
"Fine." You opened the door and walked down the stairs and out of the lobby onto the sidewalk outside your apartment.
"Where do you want to go?" You asked.
He hesitated a moment, "A park!" He smiled like a child and you found yourself thinking it was adorable.
"Alright. Lets go." The two of you walked to the nearest park and walked around watching the children playing and Glitch admired the dogs listing off all their breeds.
"That one's a dalmatian and there's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever."
"Dogs are great aren't they?" You couldn't help and smile at this man's appreciation for all the small things.
"Yes, I would like to get one. Perhaps a golden retriever."
"I've always wanted a dog."
"Why don't you have one?"
"They're expensive, and my apartment dosen't allow them."
His brow furrowed, "that's not fair."
"That's life, you want to live somewhere you have to follow the rules."
"Humans have a considerable amount of rules."
"Yes; unfortunately, but that's how we keep society together."
Glitch nodded, "yes I see." The two of you walked around for a while and then returned home.
"That was pleasant." Glitch smiled.
"I have to say I enjoyed myself too."
He smiled, "would it be alright if we were to do it again?"
"Yeah that sounds great."
Days passed and you and Glitch became close, one day you came home from work and he was sitting at the table smiling.
"Stop that you're freaking me out."
"Y/N I have a question for you."
You rolled your eyes, "Yes?"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"Um, this is rather sudden."
He reached out and grabbed your hand gently, "please? I promise it will be fun. I have something great planned."
You sighed, he was ridiculous, "Fine, but it better be great." His smile widened.
"How does Friday at 8 sound?"
"Sounds great."
You had to admit you were are actually nervous for you and Glitch's date. He was keeping what you were doing a suprise but you knew it had several parts to it. Glitch had picked out several outfits for you and the first one was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. There was a knock on your door.
"Y/N are you ready to go?"
You took a deep breath and opened the door, "yeah lets go."
Ok so I'm really sorry but to keep this from being too long I might stretch it into more parts throughout this book but thank you so much for reading and the lovely feedback. Vote and comment for more parts and I will get this updated ASAP.

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