DDL- Daddyplier

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Not smut. Warning DDLG content (calling your SO daddy, going into "little space", etc.) so if you're not into that or are underage (I know you won't) move on 😉

You met your daddy at a Teddy Con you had went to a few years ago, one of the best days of your life. It had been one of your first ones going alone and you were nervous, you had dressed up in all your cutest little clothes and it had turned out really well- you even got asked for pictures and for contact info from other littles.
You had bought yourself some new outfits and gear and had really enjoyed looking at all the little stuff, you even purchased a super cute teddy bear that was bigger than you- not practical you knew but soo fluffy and cuddly!
Once you had looked at everythig you could, you started out into the street, feeling a little silly walking down the sidewalk with a giant teddy, which hindered your vision greatly. You were figuring out how best to hail a cab with a giant bear in your hands when suddenly someone ran into you knocking the bear to the ground.
"My teddy!" You gasped sadly, scrambling to lift the large bear back off the nasty ground.
"Oh my goodness I am so very sorry sweetheart, let me help you with that." The man that ran into you rushed to help you brush the dirt off your bear. You shyly thanked him and continued to brush the bears fur.
"There you go mister bear, all better!" The man said in a silly voice brushing the last of the dirt off your bear. You let out a giggle and he smiled at you,
"I'm really sorry about the honey, do you want me to help you with your bear?"
You had found yourself feeling shy suddenly and looked down at the ground,
"Uh-hum, yes please."
He smiled at you again and looked down at your little outfit and you blushed, afraid he was going to judge you.
"That's a very cute outfit, I assume you were just at Teddy Con?"
"Yeah, that's where I got my bear!"
"I was there too, I'm not a little but I like to look at the things."
"Are you a daddy?" You asked without thinking, and then blushed deeply realizing what a personal question it was.
He only chuckled as he answered,
"Yes you could say I am, I haven't had a little to be daddy with though. It's kind of embarrassing actually, I go to the cons and think about having a little all the time, I even made a rule list." He said sheepishly.
"Aw I sorry, I bet you would be a great daddy!" You blushed again and a similar look began to take over his face.
"Here let me take this and we can continue talking as we walk you home." He took the bear from your hands and hoisted it over his shoulder
"I can just hail a cab, you don't have to do that. It would be a short cab ride."
"Well it will be a short walk then too wont it? I don't want to leave you alone even in a cab, it's dangerous for little ones to be out by themselves."
Your face was on fire at his words but you agreed to let him walk with you. He had walked you all the way to your apartment door and he had given you his number "in case any more teddy bears give you trouble". The following week you called and invited him to a gathering of your little friends and their daddy's and mommy's and after that you continued to see him more and more frequently until the day he asked you out.
You had been sitting on the couch at his apartment watching a movie and you had began getting sleepy, it was really hard not to rest your head on his shoulder but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. You had liked him for a while but didn't think he would feel the same until that night.
"Are you getting sleepy Y/N?" He asked smiling and looking over at you.
"Mm nooo." You said, suppressing a yawn.
"Are you lying to me?" He asked, taking on what you secretly called his "daddy voice".
"Mm maybee." You yawned, letting your head lull to face him.
"You can lay your head on my shoulder Y/N." He said quietly and you smiled, scooting closer and letting your head rest in the crook of his neck. He sat there stiffly for a few moments before melting into you.
"Will you be my little?"
Your eyes shot open and you looked at him to see if he was serious. Seeing that he was you smiled widely,
"Yes daddy. I would love to be your little."
After that day you followed daddy's rules and spent every moment you could with him, he was not controlling but he was firm in his rules which he had you sit down and agree to. The rules were:
•Bedtime is 12 on work nights, 1 on weekends (depending on your behavior throughout the day).
•Tell daddy how you feel about things and/or if something makes you upset.
•Stay close to daddy in public.
•Bring problems to daddy to talk about.
•Never resort to self-harm, I want my little to feel as good as I see you.
•Be good and do your best to listen to daddy.
•Always tell daddy when you break a rule.

He was such a good daddy, always playing with your hair and spoiling you and giving you little kisses, you loved him so much and loved being his little. He was loving and respectful of you and always made you feel safe and loved. So when he got down on one knee after a few years of being together of course you said yes, and now as you walked down the aisle toward him you had tears in your eyes at how much you loved him, and what a beautiful future you were going to make together.

Yes guys I have a confession to make. I'm a little and I have a daddy (he's super sweet and I love him so much). There's a lot of weird stigma around these types of cultures but I am just here to say that this type of relationship can be perfectly healthy an happy between two consenting adults. However I do not encourage involvement with this community if you are not of the age of consent (because it is a form of bdsm and it takes maturity to be a part if that life style). Also I would also like to take this moment to say if you are self-harming remember Mark's rules (seriously please talk to someone, a counselor, suicide hot line, you are not alone and I love you). Have a great day, love yourself, and accept others .

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