Fanfiction- Markiplier

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   His breath ran softly over the back of your neck as his hands ran down your sides to your hips. He brushed his hands softly through your hair and-
   "Hey Y/N." Your eyes widened and you backed out of your app quickly as your friend Mark came into the room,
   "Hey Mark what's going on?"
   "Nothing much, what were you reading?"
   "Uh I was writing... fanfiction."
   "Cool! Fan-what?"
   "Fanfiction? Do you not know what that is?"
   He shook his head,
   "No clue."
   "It's a story but it's about say the characters of a movie or a famous person. Basically a story about people or a plot that already exists."
   "Ohh, can I write one?"
   You smiled at him,
   "You really want to write a fanfiction?"
   "Yeah! It'll be fun, let me see!" You opened your writing app once again a quickly redirected to a blank paper and handed it to him. You watched quietly as he began to tap away at the keyboard with a small smile on his face. But the smile soon turned to a mischievous smirk.
   "What's that look for?"
   "Was this what you were reading?" He held up your phone to the tab that was open before.
   Your eyes widened,
   "Why are you looking through my phone?" You made a grab for the phone but he held it away from you so you instead toppled onto him.
   "I was just gonna Google a picture and I saw it in your tabs opened thing! I'm not the one that has naughty books on my phone Y/N!" He pokes you teasingly.
   "Just give it back! It's not even smut it's just a romance scene!" You whined reaching for it again.
   "Oooh it's called smut huh? How do you know that?" He held it further and continued to read ignoring your whines.
   "He brushed his hands through your hair-" he reads giggling (in Marks words) like a giggly bitch and acts out the movement dramatically running a hand through your hair.
   "He chuckles softly as my hair tangles around his fingers and brings his head to my forehead for a soft kiss."
   "All that for a forehead kiss?" He asked laughing, "That's not how you do it!"
   You finally managed to snatch your phone from him,
   "Then how do you do it, oh master of love?"
   His grin widened,
   "Like this!" He tugged you gently to him with one hand in your hair and the other running up your thigh and kissed you in a way that burned you to your core. His lips first moving slowly, waiting for a response, then when they got one gently adding more heat. It wasn't very long but it was full of... Mark: playfulness with a underlying smoldering sexiness. Pulling back you stared for a moment,
   "You're an ass you know that?"
   "I mean I got you to kiss me." He smirked again.
   "Whatever." You chuckled.
   "Just be glad it wasn't a 'smut' as you say."
   "I mean.." You quirked an eyebrow at him.

Alters (Markipliers Alter Egos X Reader) ???Where stories live. Discover now