Being There For Tyler (not a story)

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This is the link to Tyler's video about his mom's battle with cancer.
I know I'm late and he posted the video a while ago but please forgive me I was at a marching band event and go watch it and love and support him and share it as much as possible.
Because right now we are not his 'fans' we are his freinds, and freinds do things like this for each other.
It doesnt matter if someone is famous, it doesn't matter if you think they might not need/want your support, trust me they do and the smallest things count.
If anyone has any ideas for how to do something for Tyler comment and we cna brainstorm together. But overall just be there for him and his mom, and not just him but people like him.
I don't want to make this about me but my mom's mom suffered from cancer and my mom struggles everyday with what she could've said or done to help her mom. So please remeber that positivity and kindness is free, trying to support somone is free, even if they push you away you planted a little seed in their heart.
With love,

Alters (Markipliers Alter Egos X Reader) ???Where stories live. Discover now