Please Read!

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   Hello everybody! I know no one really likes authors notes much (I'm not even that fond of them). But please bear with me for a moment while I ask your opinion on something. So first of all thank you guys so so so much for all the votes and comments I appreciate it so much and I'm really glad you guys are enjoying this book. Ok anyway, you guys have seemed to enjoyed my Glitchiplier/Googleplier X reader story Happiness and I have a lot more ideas for it. So what I would like to know is: if I turned Happiness into a full length book who would read it? Please vote or comment if you would or want me to keep just adding short parts in this book only. Ok thank you for your time and thank you all for being lovely and I hope you enjoyed the last story I posted.

Alters (Markipliers Alter Egos X Reader) ???Where stories live. Discover now