Pomegranate Part 2- Darkiplier

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Dark's POV
   Y/N sat at the end of the long dining room table with an almost adorable pout on their face, it would make me smile if it wasn't me who made them so unhappy.
   "Y/N please."
   "Take me home psycho."
   I could feel my anger bubbling to the surface, they wouldn't even listen to me. I struggled to keep it down, to remain calm but they were testing my patience greatly.
   "Do you not understand? I can give you everything! Just be my love, my partner. Power? I am the king of the underworld, I can give you the very power of life and death." They turned from me again and I rose from the table.
"Wealth? I can give you wealth!" Grabbing a blood red pomegranate I split it open and rubies poured out in place of the seeds, spilling over the table, and clattering to the floor. I stalked closer to them until I was towering over them and their head snapped to look at me, their eyes full of... fear.
I dropped to my knees in front of them,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done this to you but please, please just give me a chance. I need to prove to you that you can be happy here."
They were silent for a long while and I began to give up hope.
"The fall equinox."
"What?" My head snapped up.
"I give you from the fall equinox on to convince me. But I have terms."
"Yes my dear, anything!" I looked at them earnestly.
"I get to go home June 21st and stay there for the summer. Then I will go with you during Autumn and Winter so I do not miss my work."
My heart practically exploded with joy, "of course my love, of course. You will not regret this!"
"Six months and then I will consider coming back."
"Yes of course my love. I promise I will make you happy." I gave them my best smile- something I haven't done in a long time- and rose to my feet.
"I will return you to Την ανθρώπινη κατοικία (tin anthrópini katokía) in the morning, for now you must rest." They stared at me blankly and I shook my head quickly.
"Earth! Earth. I'm sorry dear my Human language is little... oxidated."
For once a smile actually graced their features, and my breath was taken away.
"You mean rusty, not oxidated. It's an expression." They chuckled slightly and I smiled in return.
"Yes, feel free to correct me whenever I make a mistake. I have not been learning long but I hope you'll be patient with me. Shakespeare is a busy man, even in the afterlife."
"Yes, he was one of the great Αγγ- English speakers was he not?"
"Yes I just... he's here?"
"Well he's not in my palace, I assume he normally resides in the fields of Elysium but I summon him at times for our lessons."
They stared in shock, "So... could I meet him?"
I smiled,
"Of course! You could meet any person that is dead that you would like, famous actors, authors, musicians, MCR, anything that is dead is here.
"Oh my gosh are you serious!?" They shouted, "that's amazing can I meet (favorite dead person)?"
I smiled at their joy, "Of course my dear. We can even go tomorrow before you leave if you wish. "
"Yes yes! That would be amazing!"  They're excitement made me want to grab them and kiss them but I refrained with difficulty.
"Well you must get rest first my dear. Why don't I show you to your room."
Their face sobered,
"I won't be... sleeping with you, right?"
I grimaced, I had allowed myself to forget for a moment that to them I was their captor.
"No of course not. Come with me."
After a brief tour of my palace I stopped outside their door, made sure their room was to their liking, and then once the door shut walked to my room sullenly. The day had not gone as I had planned at all, but they have given me a chance and that is what mattered. Yet still I longed for them to be returning to my room with me, letting me hold them in my arms as we sleep, kissing their sweet forehead, and watching as they rest. But there was time... time that I needed desperately to make them happy.

Your POV
You left early the next morning, after meeting (FDP) and a few other famous people who had passed. After seeing the beautiful green fields of Elysium and conversing with amazing people long dead you began to think that your days here would not be too bad. But still the thoughts of the closing summer filled you with dread, although it didn't feel like it with the recent heat wave in your town there was only a few weeks until the 22nd of September.
Dark looked at you from where he stood on his chariot, drawn by beautiful horses of another world with something in his eyes you couldn't recognize. He looked... sad, sad like a man who has always been alone.
That's his fault! You tried to force yourself to think but it just didn't have the same hatred behind it as it would've after he first took you. He extended his hand to you and you took it, stepping up onto the platform of the chariot and wrapping your arm around his out of necessity.
"Κίνηοη!" He shouted, you had to admit Greek sounded nice coming from his mouth. The horses were spurred into motion and you practically flew, past the fields of Elysium, past the rivers of the underworld until you could no longer register where you were going until suddenly... you were home.

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