Cookies- Darkiplier

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You could tell you were a sight to see: you were covered in flour and other various ingredients. You had been making cookies all morning; since Marks alter egos that lived with you liked different kinds you made dark chocolate for Darkiplier and milk chocolate for Lightiplier. Although it took more time to make different batches it was worth it to make your freinds happy, so you finished rolling the last batch into balls and slid the pan into the oven just as Dark and Light walked through the door.
"Hey guys!" You smiled at them.
Light smiled back at you, "Hello Y/N, how are you?" Dark, however, said nothing.
"I'm quite good; I made cookies for you guys."
Light's face lit up, "Oh, what kind?"
"Well milk chocolate for-" you were interrupted by a snort of disgust from dark.
You rolled your eyes at him, "Don't worry Dark I made dark chocolate for you."
His look of disgust immediately turned to one of suprise, "Y-you made me a special batch?"
"Well of course I'm gonna steal some, but I knew you hated milk chocolate so I wanted to make you some too." You could see a slight pink tinge on his cheeks; was he blushing?
"Uh, thank you Y/N."
You smiled at his suprise, "It's no problem Dark." He gave a small smile before turning and going to his room, and closing the door behind him.
"I wonder what's up with him?" You said looking at his closed door.
Light chuckled and grabbed a milk chocolate cookie from the cooling rack on the counter, "He's Darkiplier Y/N: no one makes cookies for him nonetheless makes sure they're his favorite kind. He doesn't know how to express his thanks properly." You had never thought of it that way, he was seen as the purely evil side of Markiplier so not many liked him; but you could see many good qualities about him. Sure he brooded alot and was a pessimist but he could actually be quite sweet sometimes. The oven timer dinged and you quickly walked to the oven to check them; they looked perfect so you slid on an oven mitt, grabbed the pan and set it on the stovetop. You then grabbed your spatula and carefully transferred the cookies to the cooling rack.
It took about 10 minutes until the cookies were fully cooled, but once they were you grabbed a couple and placed them on a plate which you carried to darks room. You knocked on the door and there was no response.
You were about to leave and come back later but suddenly Dark's voice sounded from within, "Come in Y/N." You turned the knob and opened the door slowly. Dark's room was incredibly dim; the only light came from a small lamp that sat on his bedside table. Dark sat in his bed; his eyes were closed and he was leaning his head against the wall.
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?"
He shook his head, "No, sometimes I like to just close my eyes and rest. Can you close the door?" You closed it gently and crossed the room to sit on his bed; he tensed.
"I brought you your cookies, do you want them now?"
His eyes opened, "Sure, they smell great." You handed him the plate and he grabbed a cookie off of it and took a bite.
His eyes widened, "Jeez Y/N these are delicious." You smiled.
"I'll have to try some too." You slid up so you were sitting next to him on the bed and grabbed a cookie off the plate. Dark was right: they were delicious.

Dark's POV
My mind was going a mile a minute, Y/N had never been this close to me. I watched her as she took another bite of her delectable cookies and couldn't help smile at her. I couldn't understand the way I loved her; I was Darkiplier I do not love, I do not feel. But she has made me. When I used to want women it would mostly be sexually only. But with her... I wanted so much more than that.
"Dark I'm sorry to say this but it looks like a funeral home in here."
I laughed, "I prefer it that way, funeral home is my natural habitat." She gigled in the most adorable way possible, I wanted to keep her laughing.
"It's almost as dark as my soul." She giggled again.
"But I don't think your soul is all that dark." She said suddenly serious.
"You don't? But I'm Darkiplier, I'm supposed to be pure evil."
She smiled, "you're not pure evil Dark, you're actually quite sweet."
Sweet? But how could she think that. I'm a monster!
"No- no, I'm a monster."
She placed a hand on my arm, her touch felt electric, "Dark, if I hear you say that again I'll- I'll..." she trailed off and I laughed at her lack of a threat.
"Hold on I'm thinking!" I laughed again.
"I got it!" She smiled shyly, "I'll have to do this if you say that again." She leaned forward and kissed my cheek gently, "You're not a monster, Dark." I stared at her a moment at a loss for words. I wanted to feel her lips again, I needed them. I leaned forward and kissed her once on the lips gently, a test of sorts. But I needed more I kissed her again and again my kisses getting more passionate each time. She moved so her legs were wrapped around me. I wanted her right here, I really did but something stopped me.
"No Y/N." I said pulling back.
She giggled, "Oh come on." She leaned to kiss me again.
"No, Y/N. I have to amit something."
She pulled back so she was sitting next to me, "What is it?"
"I've liked- no loved you for a long time. But I've never loved anyone before, not the way I love you. So this has to be as perfect as possible; that is if you want us to be a- a..."
"I want to be in a realationship with you Dark." I could feel a blush spreading across my cheeks, "And I think it's sweet that you want things to be perfect." She layed her perfect head against my arm and her breathing soon slowed to become shallow and even.

Yes I know I'm super cheesy and cliché but sometimes you need some good clichés. I hope you enjoyed this story and if you did I would love a vote. I am open to prompt suggestions. If you would like to make a suggestion please comment what alter ego (it can be Mark too) and a breif description of the prompt and I will write it ASAP.

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