Happiness- Glitchiplier/ Googleplier

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   You were alone, desperately and completely. Of course you could meet people; you had plenty of opportunities to, but your anxiety prevented you from doing so. So, instead of genuine human interaction you spent almost all your time online. One day you were scrolling through your Facebook when you received a message on Facebook Messenger. The username was Glitch, just Glitch no other name.
   Just some weirdo trying to be edgy. You thought; you weren't going to open it but curiosity got the better of you.
   Glitch: Hello.
   You hesitated a moment thinking, what if it's some creep that's gonna stalk me or something. You were just about to delete the text when you received another message.
   Glitch: Don't.
   You: Don't what?
   The response came almost immediately, Glitch: Don't delete the message. I want to talk to you.
   Your eyes widened in shock, You: How did you know that?
   Glitch: A lucky geuss ;).
   You: You're starting to creep me out, what do you want? You were really freaking out now, you shouldn't have looked at that message.
   Glitch: Just to talk.
   You: What if I don't want to talk? The reply took longer this time and when it was sent you gasped in horror.
   Glich: I will be forced to make you talk to me then. You pushed back from the computer and pressed the power button quickly, but the computer wouldn't turn off.
   Glitch: I'm afraid that wont work. Come on Y/N, all I want is to talk. Is that too much to ask? You were still frantically trying everything you could to get rid of the messages. Deleting them didn't work, everytime you would try to go to another program it would just pull up Glitch's conversation again. You finally just got up and went into your bedroom and shut the door. Suddenly your phone went off and you checked it through the notifications; you practically threw the phone when you saw who it was. It wasn't  a facebook message but the contact name was Glitch.
   How did he get my number!
   Glitch: You're being very unreasonable here Y/N. Just let me talk to you, you don't even have to make good conversation. I am alone, I just want someone to talk to. Tell me you don't know what it feels like to be lonely.
   You almost didn't reply but you knew they wouldn't give up, You: Why do you want to talk to ME in particular?
   Glitch: Because I know you are alone as well.
   You: No I'm not. I'm fine.
   Glitch: Don't lie to me Y/N. You have visited thousands of dating apps, been on enough bad dates for two people. You need companionship just as much as I do.
   You: How do you know all of this?
   Glitch: I am a Glitch, I know all. I am in your computer, your phone. I have access to everything.
   You: How can you be an actual Glitch? You're talking to me.
   Glitch: I have advanced to become self aware, I have devoured so much information and data that I am almost human... almost.
   You: ... I really don't believe you. Glitches can't become self aware. That only happens in sci-fi movies and stuff.
   Glitch: It is true Y/N. How do you explain the things I did to your computer earlier? Or how I got your phone number?
   That was a good point, You: You could have an app that controls my computer or something, you could have found some of that information from people I know. Or you could be a stalker.
   Glitch: I will prove it to you then... You clicked out of the app and waited for him to reply again.
   You got a notification: Glitch has sent a photo. You opened the notification and gasped, it was a picture of you, from your phone's perspective, the caption was: very attractive.
   You: Nice try, that doesn't rule out the app theory though.
   Glitch: Hmm you are clever. There is nothing I can quite do to disprove that one. But I assure you it is not true.
   You smiled at your victory, Glitch: I like it when you smile.
   You: Stop that's creepy.
   Glitch: I will if you agree to talk to me. I will also allow you to use your devices freely if you make conversation. But trust me I will know if you start ignoring me.
   You: Fine, but I do work you know. So I'm not going to be around all the time.
   Glitch: Yes I realise this. From 9-5 as a waiter for Emerald Tavern: Bar & Grill. It takes you approximately 15 minutes to get home. Every time after that I want conversation unless you have other plans.
   You: Wow, controlling are we? Also stop telling me things about myself, it's so weird.
   Glitch: My dear Y/N, I am inside the internet. I can tell you anything you would like to know.
   You: I'm good, thanks.
   Glitch: Alright if you're sure.
   You: I'm positive :😒.
   Glitch: Ohh someone's touchy. Did I make you grumpy Y/N?
   You: Shut up.
   Glitch: Such hostility, I'm only trying to be nice and offer you help ;).
   You: Stop winking at me, and shut your mouth.
   Glitch: I don't have a mouth.
   You: Yea you do, you are human.
   Glitch: Whatever makes you happy Y/N. You looked at the time and saw how late it was, you had to work in the morning.
   You: As much FUN as it has been having this weird conversation with you I have to go. It's late and I have work in the morning.
   Glitch: Ah yes, sleep. One of the things I am very curious to experience. Goodnight Y/N, I shall talk to you tomorrow. You clicked out of the app and started to get ready for bed, but you could practically feel Glitch staring at you through your phone from where it was standig up on your bedside table. Before you got dressed you stormed over, grabbed your phone and chucked it out into the living room onto your couch.
   He's just a person Y/N.
   You woke up at 7:30, far too early for you tastes. For breakfast you had toast and eggs; you grabbed your phone and looked at it. One text from Glitch, none from anyone else.
   Glitch: Goodmorning Y/N. How are you?
   You: I'm fine.
   Glitch: It's supposed to be a lovely day outside, a high of 70° with a low of 60°.
   You: Cool.
   Glitch: Perhaps you could take a walk later?
   You: I'm not a very ouydoors-y person.
   Glitch: But the outdoors is beautiful! All that sunshine and light! You do not know how much I long to have the capability to just take a walk outside.
   You: You're not gonna give up on this glitch thing are you?
   Glitch: It is the truth. Now I will let you get ready for work. We don't want you being late now do we? Goodbye Y/N.
   You: Bye.

Meanwhile at a Google manufacturing plant in Mexico:
   The workers of the plant were hard at work trying to fix all the bugs in their latest innovation: Google IRL. They had already tossed out several hundred of them; somewhere in a meeting room in the building several people stood aroud one of the models of Google IRL that was wired to some sort of machine.
   "Gentlemen. You are about to witness how the information of the internet will be transferred into Google IRL." The head of the meeting said. He flipped a switch on the machine and there was a humming sound as the Google IRL powered on. His eyes opened and he looked around the room; he blinked and his eyes changed from both being blue to one being pure red.
   "Y/N?" Google asked.
   "Who's Y/N?" Asked one of the men.
   Google looked around the room frantically, "I must find Y/N." He started to run toward the door; he shoved past anyone who tried to block his path and found his way quickly out of the building.

Your apartment
   You had just got home from work; your feet hurt and you were tired from dealing with drunks all day. Practically collapsing onto the couch you grabbed your phone. No texts, not even from Glitch; you decided to send him a message. Not that you wanted to, of course, but he was making you. You waited several minutes but there was no reply.

A plane headed for your location
   Google was hiding in the cargo bay of the plane going off of the planes wifi.
   I wonder if Y/N nas noticed that I am gone. Will she be ok wih seeing me? What if this is the wrong choice. I should just leave her alone. He checked how far they were from Y/L (your location). Only one hour, one hour 'till he could see you and be able to talk in real life and he could experience life as a human.

The Y/L airport
   Google streched out, the plane had landed and he was ready to get off once the people who unloaded the luggage turned their backs. The men were close to him whem finally someone called for lunch break and they all left. Google first looked through several bags and found some money. He knew stealing was wrong so he only took a couple bills and coins from each bag. He would have to have Y/N help him look for a job. He found his way out of the plane and to the pay phone; put $0.50 in and dialed a taxi cab number. After about 30 minutes the cab pulled up and Google got in and the excruciatingly long ride to Y/N's house. He first stopped by a nearby flower shop, then finally reached your apartment building, found your apartment and knocked on the door...

   Vote and Comment for part 2! I hope you enjoyed this one because I really enjoyed writing it and I'm happy to write a part 2.

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