Chapter 3

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I saw my friend sitting at the table with heaps of food in front of her. She was tall at 5'8 and really pretty with her black hair and brown eyes which are always shining. She's a sweetheart and we have known each other for 5 years now. She's the same age as me and we both love each other like sisters.

We met in London where she was doing her Business Administration course at the same college as mine. We met through our common friends and instantly clicked. She was also from Delhi and we have been the best of friends ever since.

She works with me at Rathore Group and is very good at her job as an Assistant Manager.

"Will you keep on standing there like a fool or will you come and join me?" My friend shouted on top of her voice that everyone in the food court was staring at me.

I hated attention and I was so embarrassed that I dipped my face so that my hair covered it and quickly walked towards the table.

"Are you crazy? Can't you talk like a normal person? I don't even know why we are friends." I told her as soon as I reached the table and took the seat opposite her.

"Because you looove me and I got you foooood" she sang. She is too much but I do love her.

"I don't love you but I do love the food. So thanks." I said and looked at her face as she started getting annoyed.

"Okay okay I love you too" I told her and saw her face splitting into a beautiful smile. She has that kind of smile which can lighten the whole room. No wonder Aditya loves her so much.

She has been dating Aditya since 3 years. We met in London only where he was also studying. He always liked talking to her and stared at her a bit too long and I knew he liked her. Maya also reciprocated his feelings and I played Cupid and brought both of them together. He works in Mumbai now and comes to Delhi often to meet her.

He is her complete opposite, whereas she is loud and full of life he is very shy and modest. But they do say opposites attract.

Maya and I share everything together but I have never told her about my feelings for Siddharth. It's very difficult to hide it from her but I just can't get myself to open up about it. Though she has her doubts but I always manage to convince her otherwise.

"How is everybody at home?" Maya asked me while I was devouring my burger.

"Everyvjdy iz gwood. Mhom azhked wou ho chjom hshome" I answered with my mouth full.

"Huh? What are you mumbling you idiot? Answer properly" She looked at me as if I was a specimen in lab.

I chewed my burger very slowly to annoy her more and then said "Everybody is good. Mom asked you to come home"

"Ohh. Tell Aunty I'll visit her soon"

I nodded and continued eating. Once we both were done we moved towards the shop.

"What are you planning to wear?" I asked her while we were looking at the dresses.

"I don't know I'm very confused. But I know I want to wear something in royal blue"

"Royal blue huh? Aditya's favourite colour" I teased her.

She looked at me smiling and nodded. How cute..

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