Chapter 10

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The next morning I woke up with a headache because of last night's crying session. I didn't even change my clothes and the heavy Lehenga and jewellery added to it. I got up with a groan and looked at the time. 1 pm!!??

Shoot. I can't go to office now, it's already so late and I do deserve a break after what happened tomorrow. Sigh.

Last night when I entered I didn't notice anything in the room but now when I looked around, I saw the purple coloured walls, king sized bed which I was sitting on and purple curtains, the layout of the room was same as his just in different colours.

I saw my bags in the corner and thought that he must have kept them in when I was sleeping. Browsing through my bags, I took out a t-shirt and shorts along with other essentials and went for a much needed bath.

Once I was done, I peeked outside not wanting to face him and when I was sure he wasn't in the house, I made myself a black coffee and omelette. While I was enjoying my meal my phone rang, looking at the caller I sighed and prepared myself for the confrontation.

"Hey Maya! How is my best friend in the whole friend? I love you bestie" I said in an over cheery voice to calm her down.

"Don't. Don't even think that I will fall for this?" She said in a serous voice. I sighed in defeat. "Your 'best friend' doesn't even know you got married, that too to your sister's fiancé and I come to know about all this through newspapers. Newspapers Anika!" Her voice became loud with each word and I winced.

"You left early because of Aditya and it all happened so quickly that I didn't get time to inform you" I explained and then began to tell her everything.

She had left early as Aditya's parents got into a car accident and they had to leave in between the ceremony, before all the fiasco.

"I'm such a bad friend. My best friend was in such a big crisis and I wasn't there with her. I wasn't there to support you" Maya stared crying after I finished.

"Maya you're the bestest friend ever. Even though you weren't present physically but I still had your support. And Aditya needed you more in this situation, more than I needed you. How are Aditya's parents now?" I asked enquiring about his parents.

"They are fine now. I will meet you once I come back from Mumbai and we will discuss everything"

"Yeah Okay. Bye and say my hello to Aditya" I cut the call after she said yes and finished my food.

I then saw a huge LED Tv mounted on the screen and thought of watching a movie. I was watching "The fault in our stars" from Siddharth's large collection of DVD's when my phone buzzed and saw it was a message from Mayank.

I'm coming to your office to meet you- M

I'm at home. Didn't feel like coming to the office today- A

I'm coming there then. Siddharth' house?- M

Yes- A

After not getting a reply I continued watching the movie and it was just finished when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and saw Mayank on the other side.

"Hey" I said while ushering him inside.

"Don't you 'hey' me" He said in annoyance.

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