Chapter 17

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After reaching home I changed into shorts and cooked for the both of us and waited for him to come home. I started cooking for him again a week back when he almost burned the whole kitchen down trying to make noodles. I went berserk with the mess he made that I made him clean it all up and after he literally begged me for food, I obliged. But in return I asked him to wash the dishes afterwards. He can't get free food for nothing.

I was talking to Mom when I heard the front door open. She was asking me to visit her for the weekend as she was missing me. I agreed wanting to meet them myself and told her that I'll arrive there in the afternoon.

Just as I finished talking to her, I saw Siddharth coming into the living room. I turned off the tv and said "You freshen up and I'll set the food"

He nodded and left not before glancing at my legs as I was lying on the sofa. Men!

I quickly warmed the food and saw him coming, changed into a black t-shirt and pyjamas. The shirt hugged his body like second skin showing his abs. He worked out and it showed.

I was literally eye raping him when he coughed and said "Done checking me out?" You're drooling there" he smirked while pointing towards the corner of my mouth.

Startled I wiped my mouth and when I didn't find anything there, I understood that he played me. Seeing my reaction he started laughing loudly and seeing him making fun of me I glared at him and said "Eat. And stop laughing otherwise you're not getting any food"

Hearing that he immediately shut up and sat like an obedient child and put a finger on his lips. I chuckled quietly and served him. After that I sat next to him and started eating.

"The food tastes amazing Anika. You're really good" He complimented me.

I glowed with happiness and thanked him. But again I made my face expressionless and resumed eating. Want to torture him more!

"I'll go to Mom's tomorrow. She wants me to come home and I agreed" I informed him after sometime.

"For how many days?"

"For the weekend"

"I'll miss you"

My heart skipped a beat when he said that but I just shrugged casually though on the inside my heart was beating like a maniac.

He tried talking to me after that but I only gave one word replies and I noticed that he too was getting irritated with my responses.

"Will you talk to me like a normal person?" He questioned exasperated once we had our dinner and I was cleaning up.

"I'm talking like a normal person" I shrugged casually.

"No you're not" he yelled clearly loosing all his patience with me.

"Yes I am" I turned towards him once I was done cleaning.

"Anika this is the last time I'm telling you. Let bygones be bygones and start afresh" He warned.

Instead of answering I poked out my tongue teasing him.

Very mature I know!

"Okay. That's it"

He walked closer and trapped me in between him and the counter with his hands on my side before I could move. His minty hot breath on my face was making me forget everything around me. His eyes darkened with desire were looking at me so intensely that I forgot everything around us. This close proximity was making it harder for me to breathe and I was surrounded by his scent. Spicy and all man.

He bent forward and whispered in my ear "Do you forgive me?" His lips touched my ear and gave it a soft kiss. When I said No, he bit my ear making me yelp and again asked "Do you?" I stuttered and nodded in yes when he moved back a little and whispered "Good girl". He was still so close that all I could see was his lips looking juicy and I wanted to take a bite.

I started biting my lips in nervousness and his hungry stare moved towards them. I saw him gulp and he raised his hand and brought it to my face. I stopped breathing closing my eyes when his thumb touched my lips and he pulled my bottom lip out from between my teeth. He pinched it lightly making me moan in pleasure. Hearing that he wrapped his arms around my waist and I was glad because my knees started shaking and if not for him I would be a puddle at his feet.

He put his hands under my top and started caressing my skin. I felt his lips on my neck and collarbone sucking and kissing my delicate skin. I moved my head to give him more access while he opened my hair bun making my long hair tumble down till my waist. His hands moved upwards towards my chest trailing my shirt with it while he moved his hands to my breasts over my by bra. My breathing got heavy as he cupped by globes and started fondling them. He squeezed and played with them while blowing on my neck making me moan loudly. He pushed himself into me more and I was able to feel his hardness on my heated core. When he slipped his hands under my bra coming in contact with my aroused skin and started rubbing himself on me that's when I came out of my haze and pushed him back. In the spur of moment I slapped him hard and then instantly regretted it as I saw his expression. His eyes black as coal were seething with anger and gritting his teeth that I feared he might break them.

Before I could apologise for my actions he left me alone and picking his car keys went out of the house. I was scared for him as he was so angry and I didn't want him to drive in this state. I ran after him after righting my clothes to stop him from going anywhere but when I reached the parking I saw him driving out of the compound in a blur.

Feeling guilty for slapping him I came back in the living room and started crying. It has been four hours since he left and he's still not home. I was getting worried now and even his phone was switched off.

It was 2 am and I was pacing the floor in worry. I was about to go out myself to search for him when I heard the front door opening and seeing him I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god you're home. I was so worried and I am sor.." I started speaking when he just kept on walking and didn't even hear what I was saying. I followed him trying to apologise when he slammed his room's door on my face so hard that I flinched.

Shaking my head in disappointment I entered my room and laid on my bed thinking how I could have handled the situation better. I shouldn't have slapped him. He's my husband and he has full rights to touch me. And it's not like he was forcing me, I was welcoming his touch and he knew it too by the sounds I was making.

I just got alarmed when he got so intimate as I have never been this close to a guy before but the real reason I stopped him was,

I know he still loves Antara Di and I don't want us to be that close when she still resides in his heart.

I decided that next time if he tries to be close to me I'll not push him away. I'll myself initiate a move first if it will help our relationship to progress. He's my husband and he's right to expect this from me. Thinking this I made up my mind to apologise first thing in the morning.

Ooooh.. it's getting hot in here. 🔥 Do you think she did right? 🤔

I'm going out of town tomorrow so will not be able to upload during my stay as I'll not be getting time to write it. But if I do manage to write something in I'll upload it definitely.
This chapter was a bit rushed as I wanted to upload something for you all before leaving.

Also, I want to thank each and every one of you for your immense support you have provided my liking, commenting and adding my book into your libraries. Thanks a lot 🤗

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