Chapter 21

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I changed the cover pic of the book. Tell me if you guys like it 🤗

Beautiful book cover by @SpinningMyselfDizzy

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Beautiful book cover by @SpinningMyselfDizzy

Thanks a lot. I love it! 😍

Okay get on with the chapter 👉🏻


Arriving home, I found Siddharth lounging in the living room with a bowl of popcorn in front of him watching a football match. He was dressed casually in a pair of t-shirt and pyjamas looking so carefree unlike the uptight cocky businessman he is.

He glanced at me when he heard the front door open but just as swiftly got back to his game. Completely ignoring me like a piece of dirt.


Getting frustrated with his teenage behaviour I moved towards him stomping my feet hard clearly showing my unhappiness with the situation and in a burst of anger I switched off the tv making the screen go completely blank just as a goal was being scored by one of the team.

Smirking evilly I stared at him while he sat with his mouth gaping open clearly confused as to what happened. On noticing me I saw the tell tale signs of his anger emerging on his face.

He was irritated with me, well so was I.

"What the hell Anika!? What's the meaning of this?" He demanded in a tight voice barely controlling himself.

One of us needs to be calm. Deep breaths Anika.

"We need to talk" I answered calmly reining in my anger.

"Well I don't want to. Leave" he ordered.

"I'm not leaving without talking to you" I pressed.

Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out.

"You're so frustrating" he yelled.

"So are you" I yelled back finally, all calmness gone out the door.

Well I tried.

"What the fuck is your problem? What's with this shitty attitude of yours?" I kept on going in a high pitched voice, "Here I wanted to have a serious conversation with you but you just don't fucking care, acting like a spoiled brat instead of an adult. At the meeting also I wanted to congratulate you and what you did? Completely ignored me as if I'm of no importance, I know you don't think of me as your wife but at least as an employee you could have commended for my work. But no you didn't, because you are so fucking stuck up that you don't take in to consideration other people's feelings in your ego trip Mr.Asshole" I finally ended my monologue while his face got redder and redder at my words.

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