Chapter 4

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Today is a special day and because of its excitement I wasn't able to sleep properly. All night I kept on turning sides in anticipation of today.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 8 am on a Sunday morning. I lazily got up and went to the washroom to shower. After 20 minutes I came out and went to my dressing room and stood in front of my wardrobe contemplating what to wear. After much deliberation I took out a pair of black trousers with a maroon full sleeves shirt. I planned to wear it with my black heels.

I then started doing my makeup which again included a winged eyeliner and to amp it up a bit I applied a wine coloured lipstick. After braiding my hair I went out of my room to have my breakfast.

"Mom I'm hungry. Give me some food please" I yelled after entering the dining room.

"Sit. I'll just bring you food" Mom replied.

"Thanks mom. Love you"

"Love you too baccha (Kiddo)"

My mom gave me a plate full of aloo paranthas and I finished them quickly.

"Where's Dad and Aarav?" I asked getting ready to leave.

"Dad's out to meet Sanjay and Aarav is still sleeping" My mom said and I told her that I'm leaving for office as I needed to do some finishing touches on my latest project.

I got in the car and started driving to office. We live in Greater Kailash-I and my office is in Gurgaon. Its a 2 hour drive to the office but I love the peace it gives me. Driving makes me feel free. I turned on the music player and started listening to an old bollywood song. The lyrics perfectly described my situation with Siddharth and with him in my mind, I started singing the song.

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai

Thoda hai baaki

Hum toh dil de hi chuke

Bas teri haan hai baaki

Thoda sa pyaar hua

Thoda hai baaki

I suddenly heard my phone ringing and saw that it was Antara Di calling me. I happily picked up my earphone and answered the call "Hello Di"

"Hey how are you Anika?"

"I'm good. How are you? How was the assignment? When are you coming back? Are you coming to the party?" I asked it all in one breath.

"Easy there tiger. So many questions" She laughed, I was about to say something when she cut me and said "I'm fabulous, the assignment went well, I'll reach Delhi by 9.30 pm and yes I'll be attending the party" She answered all my questions and we both laughed together.

"Are you at home?" Di asked me.

"No I'm going to the office, I have some work there"

"On a Sunday? What is wrong with Siddharth making you work like a slave? I'll talk to him about it" On hearing his name my heart started beating fast.

Di talks to Siddharth? When and How?

I knew nothing about this new piece of information. Maybe they stayed in touch. Just because I didn't, it doesn't mean that they also stopped talking. Still I felt a bit betrayed but convinced myself otherwise.

"No nothing like that" I said defending Siddharth and added "Its just that the project needs to be submitted on coming Wednesday and it's with such an important client of ours that I don't want anything to go wrong and this is the first time I'm leading a project so there's an added pressure"

"You're amazing at your work and anybody with brain can appreciate that fact" I was about to thank my sister when she continued "Anika..There's something important I need to talk to you about"

The way my sister said it without any humour I knew it was something serious. I said "Yes tell me. What is it?"

"It's about.. I don't know how to say it.. It's just.." Di hesitated and I heard someone shouting in the background. She said "I'll talk to you later my designer is calling me for a dress fitting. I'll see you in the evening and then we'll talk"   

"Okay. Good luck"

That was weird.

I reached my office and looked at the high rise building made of glass. The sign at the top read "Rathore Group". The building in itself was so daunting. I parked my car and went inside.

I greeted the receptionist and and looked around.Since it was a Sunday only a handful of people were roaming around in the lobby area. I took the lift and pressed 18th Floor where my office was. The lift opened and I observed the surroundings. High ceilings, wood furnished floor and modern interiors made this floor look like something out of a magazine. I designed it and was proud of it. This was my first assignment where I showed my true caliber to everyone who thought that I got the job because of my connections. Nobody after that questioned my position. I earned it.

I started walking towards my room when I saw the light was on in Siddharth's office. I was in two minds whether to go and check or not. After having 5 minutes of internal battle my mind lost and I followed my heart.

I knocked on his door with my heart racing.

"Come in" His deep husky voice answered and I got shivers.

Oh god. Even his voice is so sexy.

I entered his office and saw him working on his laptop. He was wearing a black suit and looked like a greek god with that beautiful face of his. He's the perfect example of tall, dark and handsome. I forgot about saying anything and just kept on staring. Some of his hair was lying on his forehead and I so badly wanted to touch those and see for myself if they were as silky as they looked. The urge to touch him was getting too much and I had to fist my hands to stop myself from going there.

I controlled myself and in a strong voice said "Good Morning Sir" At least I think it was strong.

Without looking up he said "Good Morning. Do you need something?"

Now what should I say? I was thinking of an excuse when he suddenly looked up and said "Oh Anika its you. What are you doing in the office?"

He doesn't even recognise my office. I have been working with him for a year now.

I got disappointed but didn't let it show on my face. I told him about the project work.

"You could have done it on Monday. You should prepare for the party in the evening. It is going to be a huge event this time" He replied.

"Okay. I'll leave early but I have to finish the work as the project needs to be shown to the client on Wednesday" I answered as I didn't want to be too tired for tonight.

He nodded and I waited for him to say something else but it was as if he completely forgot about my presence. With a heavy heart I left and went to my office. It had white coloured walls with a desk and sofa on the side. The interior of my office was simple like me. But the view from my office was to die for. I loved gazing at it in my free time with a cup of coffee in my hand.

I sat in my chair and started thinking about his words. Huge event but why? The annual party was for the employees to enjoy and have some time off work with their families. What's so special about this year's party. Maybe its a good thing, today is special for me anyway and maybe its a sign for something good to happen. Something in my favour. I smiled and started doing my work.

Siddharth you're going to be in a shock tonight after seeing me.

Oh boy how wrong I was? I was the one left in shock.



Pic of Antara above 🔝

What do you think is going to happen? Much awaited party in the next chapter.

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