Chapter 23

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Next day I got ready for the office hoping for the day to be over soon and for my weekend to start. I was so tired from last night and also because of working so strenuously for the designs, I wanted nothing else but to lie in my bed for a few days straight.

But the real reason I wanted to hibernate was to avoid facing Siddharth. I am so confused with his mood swings that I have no idea what's gonna come up next. Sometimes he's burning as fire and sometimes he acts cool like a cucumber. Not to mention his last words he mentioned yesterday.

You are my wife

It still gives me shivers in a good way obviously. I don't know how he's gonna behave now but from my earlier experiences I can guess that he's gonna be everything but calm. He had this cycle of reposition, cool-hot, cool-hot.

This guy is more complicated than a Rubik's cube.

Shaking my head I went for a quick shower and after completing my morning business, I stood in front of my wardrobe deciding what to wear. After much deliberation, I selected a pair of white striped culottes from Forever New teamed with a sheer white blouse from Mango tucked inside the pants. Pairing it with a pair of white pointed heels from Charles and Keith, I started doing my makeup. I applied eyeliner, mascara, pink mac lipstick, my usual sindoor and made a messy bun. I wore my diamond stud earring after spraying my favourite Diesel perfume and went out for breakfast with my car keys and white Gucci bag in hand.

I entered the kitchen and saw Siddharth cooking breakfast. I halted in my steps not knowing what to do next. I was expecting him to be out already as he usually did. His back was in view and the white shirt he wore stretched over his taut muscles deliciously. His behind looked extra yum in that snug black trousers of his. Wearing that cute pink apron he looked absolutely adorable.

I was still drooling over his behind when he turned and smiled while beckoning me over.
I took cautious steps forward still in shock and still a bit cautious. Though he was acting nice now who knew he wouldn't be the total opposite the next second. I gave him a tentative smile and took a seat on the dining table.

He worked effortlessly in the kitchen and I admired this new side of his. He was just as efficient in the kitchen as he is the office. He was making cheese omelette and grilled toast. My mouth watered not only by his cooking but by him as well.

I would choose him over food any day!

I watched him mesmerised working his magic and soon he put a plate in front of me and sat beside me with his food. I smiled in thanks while he nodded. I still didn't know what to gauge from his actions.

"I hope you like it" he smiled again. That genuine smile of his where the twinkle shone in his eyes and my heart skip a beat.

Siddharth stop it! Don't make me fall in love with you more.

"It looks amazing and I know it will taste amazing as well" I smiled in response.

He nodded and gestured me to eat. I put a bite of the cheese omelette and savoured the burst of flavour in my mouth. The combination of eggs, cherry tomatoes, onions and cheddar cheese was just perfect. I involuntarily moaned, it was just so good.

When I opened my eyes I saw Siddharth watching me with a heated look. I coughed and complimented him, "Wow! This is best omelette I have ever had"

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