Chapter 25

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The flight with Siddharth sitting next to me was uncomfortable and awkward to say the least. Though we were travelling business class and had all the comfort but he was again in his 'moods' blaming me for this whole honeymoon trip. Since we arrived home after the dinner he has been nothing but a pain in the arse. Complaining every now and then about our honeymoon.

Umm.. I was as unaware about this as him.

"It's happening because of you. This stupid vacation" he blamed me. Again.

I sighed and ignored him reading the magazine provided by the airline. It's best to avoid him. The couple sitting next to us looked at Siddharth weird who was still blabbering by the way unaware of the looks he was receiving.

I giggled and shook my head, which he noticed and said,

"You're laughing here and I'm stuck in this problem because of you. Switzerland? I've always wanted to go there" he mimicked me in a high pitched voice which didn't sound anything like me.

"Enough Siddharth. I'm tired of your whining" I replied frustrated and he stopped surprisingly.

He really tries me! I had been calm all this time but no more.

"I didn't want to be here as much as you. But it has happened, now man up and accept it and please stop with your constant complaining. You're driving me nuts" I continued exasperated while he looked a bit scared at my outburst. Good.

"And FYI, I sound nothing like that" I added as an afterthought and flipped my hair.

He scoffed and said, "Fine but get one thing straight this is not a real honeymoon so don't get your hopes up. No roses, chocolates, champagne, sight seeing and definitely no love". He looked at me seriously pushing his point across while I nodded in return.

"Yeah yeah fake just like our marriage" I whispered lowly so that he couldn't hear the pain in my voice.

The rest of the flight after that was uneventful, Siddharth watched some movie while I slept the whole time. It was better this way before we started arguing again.


I was shaking. Are we crashing? Panicked I opened me eyes and saw Siddharth's face almost touching mine.

"Finally. I have been trying to wake you for the past half an hour. I had half a mind to pour a glass of water on you" he said his hot breath wafting all over me.

"Huh?" Was my intelligent reply. This close to him and I loose all sense of my surroundings.

Is that a mole on his lips?

"Wake up. We are landing soon" he shook me again. "And move away from me I have to use the washroom" he motioned.

That's when I noticed that I was sprawled all over him. My hand was wrapped around his waist while one leg slung over his and my head rested in the crook of his neck.

Oops.. I hope I wasn't drooling.

"Sorry" I murmured sheepish and pulled myself away. He huffed and went to the washroom.

I patted down my hair to look a bit presentable and tied them in a bun. Siddharth returned and within the next few minutes we landed at Zurich Flughafen Airport. It was evening when we reached Zurich and I was so tired from our long flight that all I wanted to do was sleep the tiredness away.

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