Chapter 16

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Next morning I woke up with puffy eyes and a killer headache because of yesterday's events. Last night I decided something and I will stick to it.

I'll not talk to him and I'll ignore him till he realises his mistake.

All my hurt and pain got masked by the anger I had for him. He thinks he's the only one who was forced in to it. What about me? I too didn't want a marriage like this. I wanted to have real relationship between us. I even proposed for us to be friends first but that also he didn't accept.

All he cares about is himself, my feelings don't matter. He should have put himself into my place. Should have thought how it feels to get married out of the blue and that too to your sister's fiancé. No no but why would he!? He's an imbecile. I can't believe I love him!

I hope he doesn't come in front of me today otherwise I'll finish what I wanted to do yesterday.

I showered and changed into a beige shirt and black knee length skirt. I paired them with my beige stilettos. I quickly did my makeup and braided my hair. I sprayed my perfume and left after taking my keys and purse.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen to have breakfast but was shocked to see him at home still. He usually leaves by now. Why isn't he in office?

But I didn't ask him anything, sticking to my earlier decision of ignoring him. I walked casually and made myself a cup of coffee and omelette. He was looking at me expectantly but I completely ignored him and without offering him any, took my food and sat on the dining table.

I finished eating while he was staring at me the whole time. I sighed loudly and cleaned the utensils used. I picked my stuff and was half way out when he called "Anika I was thinking that we can go to office together"

I turned and looked at him. He was watching me with a smile on his face. I glared at him and said "No thanks. I don't want to burden you with my unwanted presence"

His smile turned upside down and looked so sad. I felt a pang in my heart seeing him like this. I was about to agree when I remembered his words from last night and stalked away leaving him alone.

Getting into my car I drove to the office and reminded myself to not be swayed by my feelings for him.

After parking I went straight to my cabin and immersed myself in my work. It has been two hours since I have been working on the designs for Oberoi's new hotel when my work phone rang. I quickly picked it up and said "Yes Anita what's the matter?"

"Mam, Siddharth sir is calling you in his office"

"Okay. Inform him that I'll reach in 10" I cut the call and sighed.

I don't want to see him. Why god why!?

After 10 minutes, I was standing in front of his cabin gathering all my strength to face him. I knocked on his door and entered watching him reading some files. Once he saw me he closed them and gave me a genuine smile. In his usual Italian suit he looked amazing as usual and that added to my bad mood.

Why is he so good looking? It's so unfair. I can't be angry with him he if looks at me like that.

I kept my face stoic and asked "You wanted to see me?"

His smile left his face for a second but again he resumed smiling and answered "Yes I wanted to talk to you. I tried in the morning too but you know how that ended" he chuckled but I didn't.

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