Chapter 9

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I was feeling uncomfortable sitting next to Siddharth while the car was moving towards our destination. We were going to his home where I will be living from now on. I was scared with this new development and was dreading every bit of it. He hasn't spoken a word to me since we left my house.

It was a very teary farewell, I cried a lot leaving my family behind, everything behind. Then also he was standing there without any emotion on his face. He didn't even once try to comfort me. Sanjay uncle left for his home by himself as Siddharth stays alone and now here we were sitting so close to each other but still so far away.

I sighed and turned my face towards the window looking at the passing scenery. Anything to avoid this awkwardness. I opened the window a bit to feel the fresh air on my face and felt a bit better. I had a feeling that he was watching me but I ignored it and closed my eyes.

We arrived at his house after 10 minutes and I was more than eager to get out of this car. He unlocked the car and without waiting for me went inside leaving me standing there. My eyes became teary and I stood next to the car leaning on it to garner some support.

He could have waited for me. I am his wife now. He should show some concern.

After shedding a few tears and after giving myself a little pep talk, I composed myself and moved towards the building meeting the security guard, who already knew who I was. Siddharth had asked him to inform me that I need to go to the penthouse. I thanked him and moved inside the lift and pressed the button while the lift started moving.

At least he informed the security guard, I thought to myself though I was still hurt that he didn't wait for me. He could have told me that himself.

The lift pinged and the doors opened to a lavishly designed living room. Everything was so grand. The living room had a sofa in the middle with a glass wall on one side and the sheer curtains drawn. The walls are adorned with modern paintings. The open kitchen was next to it with all the modern appliances and a counter to eat food on. The dining table was on the side with a chandelier above. There was a hallway with rooms on each side.

I knocked on the first room I saw and hoping that the room was his I entered. The room was huge, even bigger than mine at my home. The walls were a deep grey colour. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room with black bedspread and pillows and a dresser on the right side. There were double doors that opened to a balcony. A grey and black sofa was also placed in the left with a table in front. Apart from that, there were two more doors, which I was guessing were for bathroom and closet.

The room was so masculine, like him.

I could smell his scent. Musky with a hint of pine. He smelled so good. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the bathroom door open and when I opened my eyes I saw him and I stopped breathing. Literally.

He has just taken a shower with his hair still wet and the towel hung low on his body. So low that I could see the lovely V formed by his muscles of his abdomen. I was feasting my eyes hungrily on his god like body which was on full display. Moving my eyes I gulped looking at his well defined abs with water droplets rolling down his still wet body and I had the surge urge to lick them myself. I wanted to touch him and feel his muscles rip underneath my touch. I wanted to take his towe..

I heard a throat clearing and and I looked at his face embarrassed to be caught while checking him out. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks and I was sure that I resembled a tomato. Seeing his cocky smirk I quickly averted my eyes and just wished for the earth to swallow me.

"Done checking me out?" He said cockily and moved towards his closet.

"Y..yes.. N.. no. No no I w..was.. wasn't" I stuttered and then shut myself up to stop making a bigger fool of myself.

What's wrong with me?

He came out fully dressed in his pyjamas and I glanced at him to see an amused expression on his face but then suddenly his face hardened and he asked me in a gritted voice "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

"Why are you in my room?" He asked slowly as if I was an idiot.

"Your room? You mean our room" I corrected him. 

"No it is my room. There's no 'our' in this house. You will stay in the other room"

"But I am your wife, we have to share a room" I said in a whisper which he unfortunately heard and started laughing, while I stood waiting for him to stop.

"Wife? You are not my wife" He said seriously once he stopped laughing and continued in the same condescending tone "This marriage is a farce. I only married for you for my father and business. We will act as a happy couple outside but inside, in this house we will stay as strangers. This marriage is nothing for me. You are nothing for me" he ended his speech not knowing how much his words hurt me.

"I know the circumstances we got married in but what's done is done. I am your wife now. I was hoping that we can at least be friends" I said in a strong voice not letting him see how his words affected me. 

"No we will not be 'friends'. It's not a marriage but a mess we are stuck in together because of her" his voice shook at 'her' showing his pain.

He took deep breaths to calm himself and said in a monotone "Leave". When I still didn't move, he screamed "I said LEAVE" with deadly eyes looking at me. So much anger and hate.

I looked at him with blurry eyes and immediately left the room scared by his anger. After entering the room in front of his I didn't notice anything about the room. I threw myself on the bed and cried to sleep with one thought in my mind.

Why is this happening to me? I love him so much and his venomous words are killing me.


Pic of Aarav above 🔝

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