A/N: Imp. Please read

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Hey!! I know.. I know I didn't fulfil my word this week. I was to update updated but I didn't and I do have a valid reason for that (at least I think so) 🙈😝

It's my birthday in like 5 minutes and my family surprised me with an impromptu vacation. We left two days ago and I'm still there and I didn't get time to write at all. I'm sorry you guys but it's my birthday I can get a bit of leeway please? *puppyface*

I'll update the book as soon as I get back and hopefully two chapters in a week but please be patient. I read some comments and some of you are so demanding (not cool) but some of you awesome ones have supported me and I love you for that ❤️

Thanks for understanding, it it isn't important I'll never go back long my word. Just wait and you'll get the updates soon. 🤞🏻

Also thanks for making my book reach #1 spot last well, all because of you 🙏

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