Chapter 12

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My good mood ruined and abusing him in my mind a couple of times I picked up my stuff from my cabin and left without informing anyone.

I then switched off my phone and got in the car and drove to my home. I was missing my family a lot. The drive lasted for two hours and I was tired but ecstatic to be home.

I entered and all the memories of my childhood came rushing back to me making me feel emotional. I went into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking, I tiptoed and put my hands on her eyes and said "Guess who?"

My mom turned around and upon seeing me, started crying and kissing me all over. "Oh Anika, I missed you so much, the house is empty without you"

On seeing her crying, I too stared sobbing and hugged her with all my might, remembering everything Siddharth has done to me since our wedding.

"Beta what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asked in concern when I still didn't stop crying. Taking my hand we went to the living room and sat on sofa. After keeping my head on her lap she started running her fingers through my hair, making me feel secure and safe.

There's magic in mom's lap, makes you forget all your worries and protects you from all the evil in the world.

"What's wrong beta? You're making me worried"

On hearing that I composed myself and said in a croaky voice "Nothing mom, it's just I miss you all so much and I don't want to be away from you guys" I whined like a kid in the end.

"Anika, you're married now. Your husband's home is your home and you can stay here whenever you want but you have to go back to your real home" she spoke in a motherly voice.

"You mean it's not my home anymore!? I leave for two days and I'm a guest here" I again started crying.

"Oh god Anika, you 24 not 4, you're acting like a kid. Of course it is still your home but your real home is where your husband is" she made me understand while I stopped crying.

"Mom can I stay here for 2-3 days? Everything happened so suddenly and I didn't even get time to prepare myself mentally for it and I miss you all so much" I asked her with my puppy dog face which I mastered years ago and knew she wouldn't be able to resist.

She sighed loudly and agreed.

I did a mental victory dance. I knew my puppy dog look is a winner.

I got up and went to my old room. Oh my lovely room I missed you the most! I then went to my closet and changed into my pyjamas and thought of resting my eyes for sometime instead I didn't know when and how I slept.

I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw the time and shot out of bed, 10 pm!? I just wanted to rest my eyes. I went to the bathroom and washed my face a couple of times to wake up fully.

Feeling hungry I went downstairs, singing and dancing when I suddenly stumbled into someone. I lost my balance and was waiting for the fall when suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me towards them. Hard.

My hands limp at my side, I put my head on their chest while trying to compose myself. The person smelled familiar and when I looked up to see for myself, my suspicions came true.

The almighty Siddharth was here.

I was staring into his black intense eyes trying to read his emotions. He was always so closed off emotionally it was only in rare moments like these that you could see his feelings.

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