Chapter 22

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There he was entering the hall like a freaking king, all high and mighty with his classic 'no expression" expression. Dressed in a navy blue tuxedo, I wanted to say he looked ugly as hell but who am I kidding? He looked lip smacking delicious that all I wanted to do was run my tongue all over his..

No no.. stop it Anika! Don't go there.

I was admiring his appearance when I heard Mayank utter something under his breath that sounded like 'Oh No'. Curious I moved my head towards him and saw him shaking his head at someone. I glanced in that direction and saw something that made my anger levels rise.

There she was wrapped around my husband's arm smirking at me smugly. Wearing a black lace gown so sheer which only covered the important parts of her body she did look sexy and confident, well she had the body to rock that article of clothing after all.

Nisha. That witch with a 'b'.

They both complemented each other with their extraordinarily gorgeous looks. I glared at her with hate and then glanced at my dear husband  who was also smirking at me with that evil glint in his eyes. I flipped him the bird and turned my head away to not let him know that he was affecting me.

Can he never enter a party alone without an arm candy. Better yet, why doesn't he come with his wife? Who by the way is sitting here alone feeling stupid about herself in a saree while they both looked ready to walk down the red carpet.

I hate them both!

I chugged down my drink in one go while Mayank resumed his seat next to me and from my peripheral vision I saw Siddharth talking to Mr. Oberoi while Nisha was still sticking to him like a glue.

"I didn't know she was back. She was in London for the past few days" he said conversationally which I wasn't in the mood for but something in that sentence was wrong. Very wrong.

"Did you just say London?" I asked him hoping that I had heard him wrong.

"Yeah. She went there for a vacation a week back. You know how girls are, wanted some time off to enjoy shopping and..." he went on but I had stopped listening as he confirmed my worst fear.

That bloody son of a..

So this is the work he was so busy with. His client with whom he wanted to strike a deal. Yeah a deal that ended up in a bed tangled in the sheets together. I could just kill him and was barely holding myself to go there and do the needful.

"What happened? You are scaring me dude with that murderous expression of yours" Mayank broke my train of thought looking a tad bit scared.

"That's because I'm planning a murder. My husband's murder to be precise"

He looked at me confused but then something clicked and he muttered "Uh oh. He was in London too for the exact duration whilst Nisha was visiting"

"I got that Einstein" I stated my voice heavily laced with sarcasm.

"I know this looks bad Anika but trust your husband, he's many things but not a cheater. And for Nisha I can't say anything as she's my sister but I do trust her"

"I don't know what to think and don't get me started on your sister. She's stuck on him like a bee on honey" I told him truthfully.

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