Chapter 19

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Today is the day when we'll be showcasing our final designs for the new Oberoi's hotel and I am both nervous and excited. I have been working hard for the same and I really hope they'll like it. Without Siddharth to supervise in person it was way more difficult for me to do them but through phone calls and video calls I somehow managed.

Yes it's been two weeks since the day when he left for London and he's still not back. I have been staying with my parents in his absence. Though we had to talk to discuss about our project but it was always kept professional by him, whenever I tried to manoeuver around our personal life he would always find an excuse to avoid it all costs.

Even our parents were starting to see the cracks in our relationship. Just to erase their fears I would fake call him and act as if we were  in love and everything was just peachy. I have no idea for how long I can keep up this pretence before they start questioning me again.

I don't even know if he's going to come for the presentation today as whenever I asked him about it he would answer that he's still busy. Busy with what? No meeting takes this long.

I entered my cabin and started preparing for the meeting. The meeting was being held at the Oberoi's Hotel and I wanted to check everything was up to perfection before leaving for the location in 2 hours.

I was transferring the designs in a hard drive when my door knocked and saw Maya coming in.

"Hey. All set?" She asked while taking a seat in front of me.

"Yes.. Almost.. I guess" I answered in doubt my anxiety creeping in.

What if they don't like it? My position as the head designer will be questioned. My credibility will be at stake.

"Relax Anika. I can see your apprehensions on your face.You have been perfecting each and every minute detail of the design over the past few weeks and I can assure you everything looks AMAZING. I'm impressed and I'm not saying it just because you're my friend. You have outdone yourself" She praised me.

Listening to her encouraging words I was moved and quickly getting up from my seat moved towards hers and squeezed the life out of her.

"Thank you soooo much. I love you babe" I kissed her cheek before leaving her.

"Love you too. I just wanted to wish you luck before your presentation. Rock it" She wished me and left me to my doings.

After exactly two hours I entered the meeting venue and again got mesmerised with the grandeur of the hotel. It screamed luxury and money just like their owners.

Dressed in a charcoal grey business suit and black stilettos I felt powerful and entered the meeting room confidently. Upon entering I saw Mr. Oberoi and Mayank already seated with their business associates. I greeted them and confirmed with my assistant if everything I asked for was done, for which she nodded in approval.

My assistant along with a few of our staff had already reached earlier to prepare for the meeting, setting up projectors and a soft copy of the presentation was kept in front of everyone to browse through. I was standing in front of everyone about to start speaking when the door opened and in walked my husband looking as ravishing as ever. He moved towards the Oberoi's and started taking to them. Seeing him after two agonising weeks my breathing hitched and heart soared.

He was here. He's back.

In a black suit worn with a navy blue shirt he looked sinful. With a few top buttons undone I got a glimpse of his well toned chest that I had had the pleasure of seeing before.

Remembering him half naked I felt parched and picking the glass of water in front of me started chugging it down when suddenly he made eye contact with me and looking into those deep black irises I lost control of myself and began coughing uncontrollably.

He walked towards me and began rubbing his hands on my back. His large hands were scorching, wherever he touched a fire was ignited. Being in his close presence after so long was playing havoc with my senses and I was concentrated on his hand movements. Once my coughing stopped I looked at him with red watery eyes while he was gazing at me in concern.

"Th..Thanks" I said gratefully, my voice scratchy because of all that coughing earlier.

Hearing my voice his concerned face morphed into one of indifference and he nodded stiffly. Removing his hands from my body he stepped aside and I suddenly felt cold. He took his seat at the front and I was still staring at him.

Yup. Still angry

Hearing a throat clearing, the spell around me was broken. I had forgotten everything around us. The meeting, the venue, our project, these people who were now glancing at us with curiosity in their eyes. Feeling conscious I ran my hands down righting my clothes and hair.

"Shall we start the meeting now if you're okay?" Mr.Oberoi asked me.

I nodded in agreement and looked at Siddharth for reassurance. I don't what he saw in my face but he gave me a rare genuine smile and that was all the encouragement I needed. The next hour was spent talking about the designs and ideas that went into it. Everything from execution to completion was discussed and I confidently answered all their queries.

I took my seat next to Siddharth after I had done my bid and we were now waiting with a bated breath for the Oberoi's to make their decision. I was hoping with all my might that they will move forward with our firm for this project. I was wringing my hands together in my lap in nervousness when I heard,

"You did good. Relax" Siddharth whispered next to my ear. I shivered in response feeling his hot breath on my neck which I am sure he noticed but thankfully didn't comment on it.

"Thank you. I hope they like it" I too whispered looking at him. Up close he looked even more handsome. His soulful eyes, high cheekbones and that sensuous mouth. My raging hormones were getting out of control. I know I was ogling him but I just couldn't get my eyes to get off of him. I was seeing him in person after two long weeks. I have to apologise for my behaviour still so that things can be normal between us.

He was messaging someone on his phone when he darted out his tongue to moist those darned lips. My eyes quickly following the movement.

I wonder what it would be like to kiss him.

"Are you okay?"

Siddharth's voice brought me out of my daydream where I was sitting on his lap and kissing those lips of his while my hands were wound around his neck pulling at his silky hair. My tongue battling with his in a fight of dominance and his hands were kneading my breasts. My breathing got heavy as his hands pulled at my nipples pinching them painfully which later turned into pleasure and in response I moaned loudly into his mouth.

Not realising that I had actually moaned out loud in a room full of people and now everyone was staring at me in shock.


I know I know it's short but trust me I wanted it to end here. It adds more to the chapter this way. The next one will be uploaded super soon.

Again I'm sorry for the delay but my updates will be regular from now on. Also I wanted to thank you all for taking my problem into consideration and being so supportive about it and for not losing hope in this book of mine. Thank you for understanding and not being rude about it 🙏

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