Chapter 18

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The next day I woke up early even knowing that it was a weekend. But I wanted to apologise to Siddharth not wanting him to step back from his offer of becoming friends. I don't want us to go back to where we were as strangers.

I quickly took a bath and changed into pair of blue distressed denims and a while off shoulder top with my adidas sneakers. Making a messy bun with my hair I went and knocked on his door. When after waiting for a few minutes he still didn't open the door, I entered and saw that he wasn't there. I ran outside and he wasn't in the living room as well.

Where is he?

I dialled his phone and after a few rings he picked up. "Hello" he answered in his deep baritone.

"Uh hi. Where are you? You aren't home and I wanted to.."

"I'm going to London for a few days" he interrupted.

"London!? But why?"

"I have a business meeting with a potential client" he answered in a stiff tone. He was still angry!

"When will you be back?" I asked softly.

"I don't know. My flight is boarding. Bye" he cut the call before I could say anything else.

Disappointed I looked around and felt lonely in this house. Though we didn't talk much but I liked living with him here and without him it felt unusually empty.

I looked at the time and saw it was 11 am, I remembered Mom asking me to come home today and I quickly packed my bags. After locking the house I got into my car and started driving.

I was listening to radio when my phone rang and I picked it up after seeing Maya was calling me.


"Hey Anika, what's up?

"Nothing much. I'm going to Mom's today, what about you?"

"That's great. I.. uh..was thinking that if you are free then maybe we can meet" she hesitated.

"Sure. Let's go to Starbucks. I'll pick you up at 4"

"Okay. See you"

I cut the call and focused on driving. I think Maya is finally ready to talk about what has been bothering her for the past few days. Whatever it is I'll always be there for her, I swore to myself.

I reached my house after an hour and rushed inside to meet my family.

"Mom, Dad, Aarav" I shouted once I went in the living room.

I saw them watching a movie on TV and they came forward to meet me while I too joined them. Once the movie finished my stomach growled loudly and I smiled sheepishly while everyone laughed. I didn't have any breakfast this was bound to happen.

"Hungry Anika?" Mom asked teasing me.

"Moooom" I answered embarrassed and nodded while pouting.

She laughed and went inside the kitchen coming after a few minutes with a plate full of food. I grinned maniacally eyeing the plate and ate to my heart's content.

She's an amazing cook!

"Mom you're the best. That was yum!" I complimented her while rubbing my stomach happily.

"Thank you. Why Siddharth didn't come with you to stay?" She asked while my head was laying in her lap. We were sitting in my room after Dad and Aarav left for some work.

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