Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes and found myself sleeping on the bed. But how come I was here? As far as I remember, I slept on the sofa. I sat up and saw Siddharth sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa instead, the sofa being too small for him.

He must have shifted me here.

The thought brought a smile to my face. I went towards him and sat on my knees while staring at his face. He was beautiful with his angular nose, high cheekbones, long eyelashes that I'd kill for and perfect lips that looked so pink and plump. His hair was messily lying on his forehead making him look young and not being able to stop myself I pushed them away.

Yup his hair is as soft as I thought.

I then started tracing his features with a feather light touch. When I touched his lips, his breath hitched but thankfully didn't wake up. Not being able to stop myself I kissed his cheek lightly and went for a shower.

After coming out of the bathroom I saw that Siddharth wasn't in the room. Not giving it much thought I wore my clothes that included a deep wine colour shirt and black wide pants. I paired them with black stilettos and moved towards the table to do my makeup. My eyes looked puffy because of crying so I put a bit of concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. I applied my eyeliner, sindoor and deep wine lipstick to complete the look. I then tied my hair in a sleep ponytail and after spraying my perfume I glanced at myself in the mirror happy with the way I looked.

Confident and fierce.

Today was the client meeting with the Oberoi's and I wanted to look the part. Taking my bag, phone and keys I left to have breakfast.

"Mom where is Siddharth?" I asked her when I couldn't find him anywhere.

"He left already. He said he'll go home first to shower and and said he'll meet you in the office itself"

"Okay" I said a bit disappointed with this piece of news. I was hoping we'll leave together.

I had my breakfast in silence and left before inviting them for dinner tonight, for which she agreed.

I reached office by 10 and went straight for my cabin. I was preparing everything for the meeting when my door knocked and Mayank entered.

"Hello. How are you? All set for today?" He asked

"I'm good and yes I'm excited for the project"

"Great. Dad has high hopes from your firm"

"And we'll live up to it" I assured him.

"I'll see you at 12, I just came by to say hello"

"Okay. See you later Alligator" I said laughing and he too joined in. He left while I prepared everything for the meeting.

At 12 o' clock we all met in the conference room to discuss about the project. Mr. Oberoi explained his demands and expectations from our company. I noted down all his requirements and we were supposed to showcase first draft of our designs within one month. Mayank was also present in the meeting and I saw a new side to him. He was passionate about his work and it showed in the way he spoke about his hotels. He truly looked like an heir of Oberoi Group of Hotels and I was thoroughly impressed by him.

When I was discussing something about the project with Mayank, I felt as if we were being watched. I turned around and saw Siddharth looking at us, though his face was neutral you could see it in his eyes how annoyed he was and if you know him well like I did you could also see a vein popping on his forehead, which only appeared when he was angry.

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