Chapter 20

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Feeling their curious stares I was dumbstruck on how to explain what they just witnessed me do. I on the other hand was blushing profusely, the heat of embarrassment spreading all over. Siddharth too looked eager with furrowed eyebrows waiting for an explanation. That I obviously didn't have and the real one that I didn't wanna give for obvious reasons.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I.. I.. I was.." I stuttered not having a single clue on how to get out of it.

"Yes you?" Mayank probed smirking at me.

Idiot. Making it worse.

I glared at him and uttered whatever came to my mind first which I regretted saying instantly.

"Whenever I am nervous I moan"

What? Shut up Anika!

"Like Mmmmm... Mmmm.. Mmmmm" I totally got into it just to prove my stupid theory. I kept doing it in nervousness so that they'll believe what I said was true.

"Okay. That's enough" Siddharth's voice boomed stopping me from embarrassing myself further.

I flinched and opened my eyes startled that I had unconsciously closed before. Everybody was looking at me as if I had lost my marbles.

Which I guess I did. Who moans like this just to justify your previous moan?

God! What picture I must have portrayed with my closed eyes moaning like a sex deprived teenager. No wonder Siddharth butted in.

I looked everywhere but him, so ashamed to even look at him and also fearing that I might start fantasising about him and me again. The people present didn't seem satisfied with my explanation not that I could fault them but Mr. Oberoi had thankfully not spoken anything to humiliate me further and resumed his earlier discussion with his associates. Forgetting about this whole moaning session. Thank god!

Moving my eyes around I made eye contact with Mayank who was trying with all his might to stop himself from laughing out loud, shaking uncontrollably in his seat.

Asshole. Laughing at my expense. Well if the roles were reversed I would be doing the same thing.

I glared at him and poked out my tongue to tease him while in return he winked at me. That's when I noticed Siddharth's grip on the table tightened as if he would crush the edge of it between his hands. I took a quick glance at his face and saw his face marred with anger. Jaw tightened, teeth gritting together while overlooking the exchange between Mayank and I.

There he goes again with Mayank being my boyfriend. Why me always?

Before I could say anything to him Mr. Oberoi announced that the project was approved and he wants us to get started on it as soon as possible. I squealed in happiness and thanked him for providing us with this huge opportunity.

Grinning from ear to ear I moved towards Siddharth to share our success when he completely avoided me by leaving me standing there all alone while he went to converse with Mr. Oberoi. The smile left my face as quickly as it came.

I turned away from them to hide my tears of hurt at his rejection. He could have at least shown some support as it was his company that actually cinched the project. Moreover I was angry at myself for being so weak. All my hard work has finally paved way to my success and he mercilessly stomped all over it. And how could I allow him to do that? How could I let him dominate my feelings?

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