We have arrived

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"Get up!" I heard a man scream out side of my sell. I raised my hand in front of my face, the light almost blinding me.
I was slightly shaking because of lack of food. My hair was greasy, and my once blue WaterTribe cloths were now brownish.

I stood up and the man pointed a sword to my back, and kept pushing me until I reached the ramp of the ship. The light burned my eyes. And the strange warmth me me burn.
Bunches of FireNation men stood on the side lines.
"Where are you taking me?" My eyes were now watering.

"You will be cleaned up for your meeting with the Royal family. No more question." The man said quickly. I raised a eyebrow and scoffed.


When I got inside they pulled me to a bathroom. They washed my hair, gave me new cloths.
It was actually kind of nice. I smiled slightly.

"Don't get used to it my dear." One of the old ladies said. But a younger girl smacked her on he arm softly.

"What's your name?" The girl said softly, with a very kind smile.
"I'm Katara."
"It's very nice to meet you. I will help you if you have any problems navigating the palace." She smiled while fixing my hair.
I smiled and was about to say thank you but a guard walked in.

"Hurry, the Royal family does not like waiting." He banged on the wall with his fist.

"Understood, she is done." They pushed me forward and I followed the soldier out of the room. My hands were starting to sweat from the heat.
We walked down a series of halls until we got to a large set of double Doors. "Okay you can go in." He looks down at the scroll in his hands, which I'm guessing is a message from the royal family.

I stepped into the large room. The light from the fiery wall illuminated the whole room. I could see a dark figure behind the fire. But I was to focused on a older women dressed in a red dress with one of her hands on each of her children. Well I'm guessing it's her children. Prince and Princess. Interesting.
I leaned into a bow and quickly came back up.

"Waterbender?" The man behind the fire spoke.

I nodded. "You should count yourself lucky, my wife has decided you could be useful to this palace. You were to be executed, but I think we can use her idea." His hand came to his chin. He looked slightly bored.
I looked over to the women whom I suppose is the Fire Lords wife. The fire lady.
They had two children, the Prince and Princess, just as I guessed.
And if they were anything like the men who attacked my village, I didn't want to get to know them.

"Thank you, your highness." This was sickening. This is the enemy! I shouldn't be thanking anyone, it is probably best that I was executed. How am I going to live here!

"Lady Ursa, please show the Waterbender to her quarters with the other servants."
Servants. He almost spat the word out.

I could see the Fire Lady nod and motion for me to follow her.
I moved towards, she had a bright smile. I didn't want to be rude, she did save me so I smiled back. We walked down a hallway then a flight of stairs. A long thin flight of stairs. Where it was pitch black besides the occasional torch. And it was made up entirely of cold damp stone.
"What is your name?" She asked.

"Katara." I said quickly. Enemy, enemy, enemy.
I could hear the young girl laugh behind me. The fire lady snapped and the girl stopped.

"Well, Katara, I'm Fire Lady Ursa. And this is my daughter Princess Azula and my son Prince Zuko." She motioned to her children.

I smiled at them but the girl, Princess Azula, snarled. I backed into the wall, she was a little creepy. The boy, Prince Zuko, smiled.
He looked to be slightly older than me. But not old enough to be a teenager.
His Raven hair was pulled into a pony tail.
"Hi." He said slightly. His face was pinkish. I could see Azula nudge him hard, he grunted and pushed her back.

"No pushing." Fire lady Ursa kept walking down the steps until we all got to the bottom.
We reached a door and went inside.
There were thousands of beds stacked on beds and what looked like a open bathroom with one huge shower. I looked up to see that the ceiling was about 50 feet above the ground. And I couldn't even see the wall that ended was opposite of me.

"This is where you have to stay. Over your bed is a bell that will ring whenever your needed." She smiled and motioned for my bed which was closes to the door.
I sighed and shoved my bag under the bed and sat down. The fire lady smiled and started leaving. But she stopped. "Oh, ya, I'm sorry to say this but you must avoid bending your element." She held her hand up a little nervous, but then continued walking out. No bending? This is crazy.
The Prince waved good bye. I smiled. He was very handsome, and he looked to be more mature than his actual age. I don't know why but he made me want to smile. The princess on the other hand stuck her tongue out at me.
And they were gone. I laid in my bed.
I was very bored, so I opened my bag to grab the leather book. I glazed my fingers over the cover, about to open it. But I put it right back in the bag.
Suddenly a loud sound rung through the entire room. It wasn't my bell so I knew I wasn't needed.
A bunch of people, girls came running in. They all ignored me and ran to their beds. Except for about 10 girls who ran to the shower.

"Hey." I heard one of the girls say. I turned quickly to see a young girl. She looked to be 11. "Are you new?" I nodded and two other people turned to see who was the new meat.

The girl held her hand out for me to shake. I gladly took it. "I'm Suki." She said. Another girl jumped from the top bunk right in front of me.

"I'm Toph." She smiled wickedly. "And welcome to prison." She laughed.
I frowned. These girls were very odd.

"I thought all we had to do was do chores and stuff for the royal family." I sat up in my bed to face them.

"Ya, that's my point." She grunted and flipped back on her bed.
Suki frowned at Toph and continued. "It's okay we will help you."
I nodded and laid down to fall asleep. It was actually easy to sleep through the chatter of a hundred girls.

But I went very easily.

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