Now this

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What was I thinking! You can't just snap your fingers and boom their gone! No!
One thing I learned through this experience is that Zuko never gives.
Unlucky for me. After getting washed up I put clothes on and laid in my bed.
"I swear if he rings this bell I'm going too-!"

I bolted up in my bed and growled. I was about to smack that bell off of the backboard. "Isn't this the 9th time this week?" Toph pouted while walking over to our group of beds.

"Why are you upset?" I started getting out of my bed. I pulled all the water out of my hair.
My friends ignored it because they have seen me do it many times.
"Because we need a girl day together!" Suki said. Haru held up his hands.
"What am invisible?" Haru walked closer to the group.
Toph rolled her eyes. "That's not what I was going to say."

I sighed and got my stuff together. "Fine we will have girl time tomorrow. I'll tell the Prince he will have to get another servant for the day because I'm off tomorrow." I smiled.
I left the quarters and walked up the long twisted staircase to the top. Before the guard could say anything I held my finger.
"Prince Zuko requires my presents?" I looked at the guards expression. He stood still for a second then nodded.

"Figures." I pouted and walked off.

When I got to his door I knocked loudly and shifted on my feet. The door opened quickly and Mai came out. She shoved  my shoulder as she walked down the hall.
I stumbled back a little by the impact and grunted. She was walking so fast she already turned the corner.
I sighed and opened the door more.

Zuko came stumbling to the door. "Katara!" He leaned against the door with red smudges on his face.
I feel like Mai purposely leaves those there. I cringed.

"What do you want this time Zuko?" I walked in his room and followed right behind me. "You know your going to run out of things for me to do eventually."
He shook his head. "I won't run out of things for you to do, trust me."

I sighed and started picking up his room. He stayed back in his corner and watched.

"You know you already have Mai I don't know what you want me for?" I said picking up his bedsheets.

"I'm not going to make Mai fold my sheets." He folded his arms. I snarled and through the sheets at him.

"You know what I mean!" He sighed and looked at the ground.

"My father is making me date Mai because he needs her father on his council. I can't do anything about it. And why are you bothered anyway? You said it yourself, it wouldn't work." He smirked.
I walked over to him and stopped a couple inches away. He leaned in slowly and I ducked to grab the sheets.
I laughed softly.

"Your right. What is a servant like me doing with a prince." I nudged his shoulder and threw the sheet on his bed.

"Good bye, your highness." I gave a exaggerated bow and walked to the door. "Oh yeah I'm taking a day off tomorrow, so don't even bother ringing." I smirked. He raised an eyebrow.
I waved and left the room and I closed the door behind me.

"Katara! What a pleasant suprise." I turned around quickly to see Azula standing outside her door.

"Princess." I bowed and turned the other direction. I do not want to be caught in a mess with her.
"Are you going back to your quarters? I'll walk you there." She approached me and grabbed my hand dragging me faster down the hall.

"No you don't-" I said nervously walking as fast as I can.

"No I insist." She said pulling me faster.

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