Something to remember pt2

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All of the servant were pushed forward into a crowd of guards. The royal family was standing on a elevated floor so they could look down at there people.

What is this about? I was looking in the crowd of servants, I must have lost Suki and Toph somewhere because they weren't standing near me anymore.

But before I could move general Iroh spoke out. "I am very sorry to disturb your slumber but something very horrible happened tonight." Iroh bowed his head slightly and he looked over to Zuko.

Zuko's eyes were filled with question. Did he not know what was going on?
I then looked over to Azula who wasn't paying much attention at all.

"Fire Lady Ursa has now passed."
I gasped and started walking backwards, stepping on some of the other servants feet.
No! This can't be happening! My mind kept pitying its self. The Fire Lady was almost like a mother to me. But I didn't think about how this could effect Zuko.

I looked up to see Zuko, but he was completely gone. I looked around me again to see if anyone was paying attention to me, then I ran off out of the crowd.

I bolted down a few hallways until I got to Zuko's room.
I opened the door, only to see blackness. Completely dark, which I'm guessing now was normal for him.
I walked in slowly, keeping the door open so I could still see. Then I heard footsteps come to the door. I turned around to see Zuko, pale as a ghost. His eyes were large with fear, and his hands were trembling.

"Zuko." I whispered. He looked up but didn't say anything. I walked closer to him and hugged him. He didn't move.

"Please Katara, I need to be alone." He said dryly. I backed up to look at his face. He was still as handsome as always, he just looked very sickly.

"But I came here to take care of you." I stepped slightly closer and took his hand. When our skin touched I felt fireworks.

"No, if anything I should be taking care of you." He looked down at our connected hands. I followed his eyes. He was still slightly shaking.

"Why do you say that?" I didn't look away from our hands.

"The reason why you aren't dead is because of my mom." He put his hand on my cheek. My eyes drifted to his face. His eyes were filled with negativity.

I know Zuko, I realized that.

He then leaned closer his eyes closing. My eyes widened and I backed up slightly.
"Zuko." I put my hand on his chest to push him back.

He stopped but his eyes stayed closed. "I'm sorry, I-" but he stopped.
He groaned and pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead. "I really need to be alone right now." He said through gritted teeth.

I stepped closer to him and was about to protest. "Zuko, I heard about your mom. I came to see if you were okay." Mai walked into his room. She starred daggers on me and crossed her arms.

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!" I about screamed fireballs. Both Mai and I shot back with fear.
Zuko sat on his bed and covered his face with his hands.

Both Mai and I left his room. "Why are you always in Zuko's room?" Mai spoke up.

I raised a eye brow and kept my gaze forward. "I have only been to Zuko's room twice and it just so happens that you walk in both times I was there." I paused trying to look at her facial expression at the corner of my eye. "You don't have to worry about anything." I finished. She scoffed.
Well then.

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